Is Alex Jones Finished?

If you follow this blog, you know I have been extremely critical of Joe Rogan for pushing a Transhumanism and Globalism agenda. And I've also gone after Alex Jones in the past and dealt with the massive backlash against me that coerced me into redacting the negative things I wrote about him. As I had been a finalist in the Infowars 2018 Reporter Contest that was canceled on the very last day because Jones was deplatformed, I felt perhaps my observations were skewed by my own ego. And perhaps it was my own butthurt feelings about not being able to win Jones' money that spurred me on to write a negative piece about Jones. However, since then I have come to believe what others have said. And that is that Alex Jones is a LARP. I believe that because there is no way he is as dumb as he acts. So by being this larger than life character, getting deplatformed, having a public feud with Joe Rogan, and now having a very public deposition that doesn't look good for Jones, to me at least, all adds up to an agenda to deplatform or discredit all alternative media.

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Screen shot from Joe Rogan Experience #1255 - Alex Jones Returns!

Within the first 4 minutes of "Joe Rogan Experience #1255 - Alex Jones Returns!" I was finally convinced Ales Jones is a LARP. When Jones glaringly allowed Joe Rogan to say that "That's a problem with all this conspiracy shit, right?" without challenge, I immediately and ironically formed a conspiracy theory that the entire feud had been synthetic. Rogan goes on to falsely align conspiracy theories with schizophrenia. And, Joe Rogan having Alex Jones on his show with millions of his cult-like audience listening to this, he has laid down the equivocation that conspiracy theory is a form of schizophrenia. I found it highly suspicious that Alex Jones accepted this blanket statement. Joe Rogan continued, "The people that want to believe, they believe in conspiracies with everything.". And that quote to me sounds like it was a pre-planned direction for Jones with regards to his recent deposition with Kaster Lynch Farrar & Ball LLP. And that, to me, means that he has been compromised and played up his fame and broad media reach to help the powers that be censor all alternative media. But, with all that said, I hope I am wrong. I want to live in a world where Alex Jones is truly going after mainstream media, political corruption, and fighting the Globalist Agenda.

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Screen shot from the Kaster Lynch Farrar & Ball LLP deposition of Alex Jones that was released on YouTube.

10 years ago and further back into the Bush era, Alex Jones was awesome and did great work. Granted, he was accused of peddling fear back during Y2K and that turned out to be nothing. But, I felt a lot of people got caught up in that hysteria and never faulted Jones for his Y2K rants. And lets not forget that he did make a few epic films. Films such as Endgame, Terror Storm, and The Obama Deception are all great works in the alternative media conspiracy field.

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But, within the last 7 or 8 years it seems he succumbed to something. What happened to him between then and now? Greed? Alcoholism? Ego? Fame? Interesting he continually states he wants nothing to do with Hollywood, yet, he's obviously fueled by the same egomania of the most obnoxious from that group. My conclusion is that at some point , Alex Jones was compromised by someone with an agenda to shut down alternative media.

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Perhaps the pinnacle of Alex Jones' work was his investigative documentaries into 911 and the corruption of the industrial military complex in the USA.

Over the years, I have quit listening to Alex Jones 3 times. I had heard Alex Jones previous to 911 when he used to be interviewed on other podcasts and radio shows. But, it was 911 that made me seek alternative media as the mainstream news was glaringly a whitewash. And, I felt the information Alex Jones was exposing about the controlled demolitions of the World Trade Center Towers 1, 2, and 7 was too valuable to ignore. But, at some point in 2010 I began to grow tired of his anger, and I felt that it was affecting me to intensely, so I stopped listening to his show. I have to admit, I only became interested again when he ran the Infowars Reporter Contest in 2012. I entered a well conceived but poorly executed film called The Lexicon Conspiracy about the manipulation of words in the media. I didn't win. But I continued watching his show until again, I realized his brand of alternative news was affecting my mood. So I quit listening to his show for a 2nd time. In the Spring of 2018, I allowed my greed to override my apprehensions about Alex Jones style of alternative media and how it affected my mood when I heard about the 2018 Infowars Reporter Contest. I created more than 30 entries as I wanted to show the inforwars staff I was able to create a lot of content. And I also felt this strategy would give me more chances to win. I even became a finalist and had one of my videos featured as one of the first 3 selected to be shared on the infowars site.

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But, during the contest, I realized I would only accept the prize money from Jones, and not accept a position on his team. This decision was made when I watched him get angry at his crew for not bringing up the right graphic. And I realized my issued with PTSD would be triggered by Jones were I to be treated the way he was treating his crew. But, I kept watching until, Owen Shroyer announced a new meme contest. This meme contest was only weeks after the 2018 Infowars Reporter Contest was canceled. And to me, it all seemed too impulsive. And having been a finalist and not ever hearing an official thank you or receiving any kind of official cancellation from Infowars about the contest, I got pissed off that they were now having yet, another contest. And, after that I just couldn't watch his show anymore. But, at the time, I felt my aversion to watching Alex Jones was purely my own personal issue.

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Comedian Owen Benjamin talks about his experiences with Alex Jones and why he thinks "He's terrible." in his video titled I Was Wrong About Alex Jones.

But, there are more and more people who have also had issues with Alex Jones who are not mainstream media pundits looking to take down an alternative view to their so-called authoritative position. Many in alternative media have called out Jones for being a LARP (Live Action Role Player). I have to admit, I found this hard to understand. But, it all hit me between the eyes like a mack truck when I saw how Jones allowed Joe Rogan to say "That's a problem with all this conspiracy shit, right?". And that conspiracy theories are essentially held by people with schizophrenia. When Alex Jones allowed that to go unchallenged on the Joe Rogan Experience, the house of cards came tumbling down. And it all seemed to me like Alex had agreed to go down in flames to help mainstream media come after all alternative media. I really hope I am wrong. And perhaps this is all my own conspiracy theory fueled from my own butthurt feelings about not winning any of Jones' money. But, I feel I am honestly over all that and I am looking at the big picture with fresh eyes. So if this is all part of an attempt by the Deep State to take down all alternative media, then it's one of the most thought out and amazing conspiracies ever.

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Perhaps Alex Jones was manipulated into all this by people taking advantage of his impulsiveness. Either way, the deposition posted by Kaster Lynch Farrar & Ball LLP doesn't look good for Jones. And regardless of my personal feelings about him, the truth is that he built an amazing platform with a broad reach. And, I have great respect for the work it took to create such an empire. So if Alex Jones is brought down, it is a bad day for all concerned with regards to alternative media. And while I have moved on from listening to Infowars, I would be shocked and saddened that the United States of America has become a place where lawyers can go after and silence someone who has been at the forefront in calling out mainstream media for decades. The whole thing stinks of a Globalist Agenda or even a revenge move by Hillary Clinton for Jones' part in her losing the 2016 election.

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Regardless of what anyone thinks about Alex Jones and Infowars, it is true that mainstream media such as CNN and others have called for his silencing. And the recent suicide of a Sandy Hook shooting victim's father seems like it is being used to further vilify Alex Jones. Would a grand conspiracy against alternative media include killing a critic of Alex Jones and make it appear as a suicide? How far would the puppeteers of mainstream media go to silence alternative media? Is Alex Jones a victim of a conspiracy to silence all alternative media? Was Alex Jones' impulsive nature manipulated by Globalists to silence anyone with a different opinion from mainstream media? It was after all, Alex Jones' broad reach that helped elect Donald Trump into office. And when we see how intensely mainstream media has gone after Trump, are we seeing a prelude to a Globalist attempt at silencing all forms of alternative media play out with Alex Jones' legal issues?

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Tony Castelluci is a filmmaker, writer, and raconteur. Having once served as a Water Safety Survival Instructor as a member of the elite special operations USMC unit 2nd ANGLICO, Tony still seeks adventure on air, land, and sea. Please subscribe, resteem if you can afford it, and share this post if you appreciate the content.

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The Alex Jones Deposition EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW!

Alex Jones / Sandy Hook Video Deposition, Part I

Joe Rogan Experience #1255 - Alex Jones Returns!

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I Was Wrong About Alex Jones | Owen Benjamin

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