We The People Of ASGARDIA, The Space Kingdom?

Sorry but did you hear about this on TV by any chance?

The whole endeavor is endorsed by the UN and was financed by a well connected "world billionaire", so here is the world government upon us! Many knew that a world government was coming, but such a twist is surprising many.

Asgardia is "their" space territory and there already are 243K residents. They will issue smartphones, credit cards and passports... so from here, and over time, we can already predict to that anybody who does not apply will eventually be treated as a sub-class citizen.

They want to do it by consent, that we accept this technocratic world government. And in order to do so, their phrasing and selected vocabulary are for sure appealing and borrowed from The One's Natural Laws. The Universe is One, and there is no doubt about it. Earth is our host.

The devil lies in the details, as usual.

Asgardia refers to itself as a kingdom. So who is the monarch holding supreme powers? They do not tell us who is the monarch. Or wait, perhaps is it..... AI itself? It is a cyber nation exclusively and its citizens will pay taxes. Asgardia will support the development of human resources? Biotech and gene editing that is.

Asgardia's currency is called "solar" and its national bank will be a lender of last resort... another solar cult, secret society? Looks like it! Moreover, it is beyond digital money, it is space money... tied to the parameters of the moon, sun and other celestial bodies. Asgardia endorses bank secrecy and immunity of commercial interests.

So indeed no matter how appealing the wording may sound (especially when they say things like, it is a government by the people and claim the right to free speech), in a few lines, we can already see that it is just another wolf in sheep clothing. Always follow the money, it is the only way to see what it really entails.

In ancient Norse mythology, Asgard was a city in the skies, the country of the Gods. It is the realisation of man's eternal dream to leave his cradle on Earth and expand into the Universe. Asgardia is a fully-fledged and independent nation, and a future member of the United Nations - with all the attributes this status entails: a government and embassies, a flag, a national anthem and insignia, and so on. (from their website)

The Technocratic Global Government of the Future Is Here
(Melissa and Aaron Dyke dissect Asgardia)

LONG VERSION: The Official Live Stream of the Inauguration of Asgardia’s First Head of Nation (90mins)


The philosophy behind the Asgardia project begins at selecting the nation’s name itself – Asgardia. In ancient Norse mythology, it is a city in the sky, the country of Gods. It is the realisation of humanity’s notorious dream – to leave the Earthly cradle and soar towards to the stars. (from their website)

In a money-free society, there will be very few Laws, like "you shall not kill nor coerce and abuse by whatever means", and since it is a fully decentralized platform, areas or counties will decide their own guidelines as long as they are promoting a coercion-free life style. How complex is it?

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