Signs and symptoms of a macroeconomic inversion (cryptocoins)

Signs and symptoms of a macroeconomic inversion (accumulate gold and cryptomoedas)

First of all, it should be noted that the private counselling and ratings agencies have come to the conclusion that, after this period of cognitive dissonance in the market, we may be facing the end of a long economic cycle that will change the future generations.

Since 1929, the recipe for all "crisis" has been the assault with hidden tax, currency devaluation, and calculated inflation. A clear Keynesian model has privileged elites and their control over all spheres of human life, especially those that live and sustain the base of the pyramid. Throughout generations, we have experienced a dictatorship of central banks led by the Rothschild family (the largest privately owned central bank) that deprive us of our wealth. They have detached us from the gold standard (with stable inflation of 2% and even deflationary = increasing in the purchase power of the people, as it will be in the coming years due to the reduction of existing gold reserves) in order to maintain a policy of devaluation of the currency and colossal indebtedness, robbing the possibility of enriching the people. This was an ecosystem of social control created through finance. That is to say, the "fear" guided us from the political police to the scarcity of goods and services associated with an "unreachable dream" full of material goods dependent on brands. The deprivation of our gold was the first great step taken in the 20th century to gain absolute control over the wealth of the people, who live by without realizing that they lose purchase power day by day. Competitiveness and revenue do not exist to distribute wealth, but to concentrate it in the hands of a minority. Let's see, half of the Portuguese gold was taken by assault by this family, when in the Masonic shop the "Toca" created the political parties: PSD and PS as structures to be taken to power in Portugal. The same has happened in dozens of other countries.

I am aware that these topics are not joke about like our parliamentarians playfully do in the parliament. Knowing that I'm in danger of being hospitalized, or whatnot, in revealing such things, I sincerely hope to help the people to become aware of the reality, far beyond the soap operas and the football world ... So, this is serious and summarizes years of complicated studies and infiltrations into hidden, political and social organizations. For those who do not know, we had the US Navy defending the "pseudo" revolution of hopeful and enthusiastic children with noble ideas like Otelo de Saraiva. But the truth is the red carnations used were imported by the Rothschild’s for the day of the "revolution." These romanticized ideas blind us, prevent us from recognizing the true origin of power and guide us into the shadows. Since then, the central bank of Portugal has been in the domain of this same family and half of our gold has disappeared. We live in a rat race for a massed ideal that does not provide enough for everyone ... A race for survival and genetic improvement of the species. All this brainwashing and cultural homogenization provoked mass stupidification that facilitated control over the docile people. Activist structures act like ignorant little children willing to appear in completely controlled and forced causes. The funniest thing is that these idealists work voluntarily for the hidden Hegelian dialectic. Such structures as the far left, the extreme right, or even Amnesty International, behave like completely oblivious children as the real reasons pass them by them and they end up being used in service and the benefit of the minority.

Bipolarization is one of the oldest strategies used by leaders as a way to maintain social control and it continues to thrive today. You see, in every country, there is a political bipolarization that gives people a sense of power of choice. We are only left with the feeling, since both sides are financed by the same elites. If voting had the ability of making a difference, would they give us that power? It gives us the illusion of choice, a feeling that our opinion has been taken into account, leaving rebellion out of question.

Going back to what matters and leaving the pawns behind, from the Russian central bank appropriation by the Rothschild’s in Lenin’s era (financed by them) to the creation of the holocaust funded directly by the Zionist Jews (Rothschild) - where Hitler served as puppet for the creation of the much desired State of Israel - the family, knowing that the Jews would never leave Europe willingly, created a plan that fits the Zionist intergenerational plan. They appropriated, on a large scale, all central banks outside the Rothschild domain.
The dismemberment of gold became the imposing order and the gold transaction was banned in the US - only the state had that power, "Land of the free! Who ever told you that is your enemy!". All those outside this domain were massacred and demonized by the media (Associated Press), which is directly controlled by them. The opinion of the people is what they want it to be...

Another strategy used was the staging of false flags in order to maintain the public opinion in their favour in the campaigns of expropriation of territories of free nations. As was the case with September 11, if they are capable of murdering their own people to launch justified military campaigns, then what will they not be able to do?... They do not play games or make out novels ... As mentioned, these gentlemen staged the holocaust in order to create the state of Israel. 99% of the population is nothing more than enslaved rats who also go to the laboratory... They are an insane social cancer... They control both bipolar sides of our "democracy". Let's look at what happened to the last men who tried to fight the dollar in trying to sell its natural resources in gold, and attempted to create central banks outside the Rothschild’s domain (as was the bank of the African central bank by Kadaffi): Kadaffi, Saddam and Bashar Assad were persecuted, publicly demonized and finally killed. Bashar Assad was fortunate enough to be able to secure the support of the great leader Putin in time. They still tried to deceive the people with a staged chemical weapons attack to launch the international community on it. Fortunately it did not work, because they realized that it wouldn’t make sense to tell people that Assad attacked his own people with a chemical attack when the war was already won... What would be the point of murdering his own people when the war was won except to provoke an attack on their leader? We all have seen what the Rothschild’s are capable of doing, but the people... They don’t know how costly their ignorance is because they are never aware that they live through rented resources. These resources are charged with interest and paid during their whole lives, giving rise to an economic crisis like has never been seen before... It’s about this planned economic crisis that we are going to focus on now. Even today I wonder how Vladimir Putin wasn’t assassinated after the Russian central bank nationalization that was formerly in the hands of the Rothschild’s... This is a great mystery for me, which puts Putin as the most intelligent leader since the days of Julius Caesar or the luckiest... Far from the attitudes of our "leading" subordinates, what has been done by him is not only a heroic act but an extreme one.

Before addressing the financial dimension, I have to talk about another great topic that is being used strategically to bipolarize the people: the refugee’s issue. The majority of the refugees are young black men with no schooling who are highly driven by Islam. Given the fact that the Middle East war is over, it is necessary to consider the reasons for the refugee arrival in Europe. Well, through Italian mafia under Masonic orders, young men are required gold in exchange for crossing, and then sent to Europe deluded with assurance that they will be given women and state support (theme of their songs during their crossings). The West never held the possibility that Putin would end the war in Syria so quickly, so why does the lie remain about the refugees? This is where the red lights alert us... We can calculate several scenarios, but unfortunately, we have managed to reduce the odds to the rationally obvious scenario... If the middle easterners are mestizo, why is that only black men arrive from the boats? The first reason is: Europe has become is so old and indebted that there isn’t enough rejuvenation, and the debt is unsustainable for the next generations. As such, diluting public debt by head seems to be the solution found by central banks in order to continue this scheme. But this is not all there is, if you think it is, you have no idea how the world is managed... One of the lies that our "master" Antonio Guterres sells us is that the refugees are 3% of the world's population and represent 10% of world GDP. The truth is that 3% of refugees consume 10% of world GDP. They don’t fool me, but I surely would like to smoke from that weed or to know how to lie so blatantly... To begin with, it is impossible for 3% of the world's population to be classified as having the lowest or no education level (races scientifically proven to be the most violent and insubordinate and with learning difficulties 7 times higher than the Caucasian race) represents 10% of the world GDP. This is a false statistic and would, at the same time, put the refugees at the level of the Japanese in terms of production capacity... This is absurd! It’s the idea that the rubbish we have at home is worth as much as the gold we have in the bank. It's a decoy. By the way, the FED is the largest foreign entity holding Japanese government debt. This is important because there was a meeting to discuss a gold-based currency between Japan and the US and this information will serve us in the future. I think that GDP must have been calculated by the degree of rape, robbery, alms for Islam and terrorist attacks. Yes, that is the reality of the refugees in Europe, taking into account that even Sweden has gone to the far right because it can no longer support the ethnicity that plagues our shores. Nobody can stand them... They are taking Europe by storm, without integrating in our culture and “islamizing” political parties, education systems, etc. Muslim leaders brag that in 10 years Europe will be Muslim and the children of European women will know the Koran. Just now we got rid of the ignorance of Christianity and now we face this social dung... I speak in general, I know that there are always exceptions in all minorities. But if you don’t know, I’ll tell you: a leader is governed by the general and never by exception. So, a good Muslim doesn’t represent their whole culture. In general, Muslim reveals himself as barbaric: they have caused many social problems throughout Europe that have been hidden. This means that, in our territory, there is a plan to integrate a culture different from the European, without acknowledging the damage they are causing in all corners of this continent.

There’s a plan for the rise of the extreme right since 2011, so I have knowledge through the Masonic stores that will culminate in 2022. The problem is that history shows us that none of these processes of homogenization of culture was successful... Never in history there was a peaceful and successful fusion of such distinct religions. How can they claim that the refugees produce if they do not have access to the means of production, if they receive subsidies from the state to support themselves? There is no money to develop or pay debt in Europe but is there money to support refugees? My friends, charity is business, always has been and always will be. It is a business of influence that allows to throw sand into the eyes of the people... In this case, debt will be diluted at the cost of rape, robbery, terrorist attacks and Islamization. So, be vigilant when half a dozen humanitarian children move unaware of the consequences of their actions. Meanwhile, their masters know what they are doing...

As noted earlier, the entry of Muslims in Europe aims to bipolarize the masses and give rise to military dictatorships with the purpose of diluting the public debt per head. This is the best way to ensure and maintain absolute power.
We seem to have forgotten how difficult it was to create a civilized society. How many men lost their lives to expel Moors from European territories, where we could develop an advanced culture. This past, arduous and time-consuming, is has been forgotten without understanding the real reasons why we consent to the pay in order to be invaded. There are cases in cities, such as in Birmingham, where the Caucasian culture has been completely wiped out. This is a general trend in Europe as they reproduce and spread at an alarming rate: about 20% of France's population is Muslim. It is estimated that in 2060, due to the speed at which they reproduce and the fact that they do not adapt to the surrounding cultures, the majority of the world population will be Muslim and will undoubtedly be the largest religious group in the world. I, personally, have been following these cases closely: it has become forbidden to make reference to the rapes performed by Muslims throughout Europe and it has also been prohibited videos where it is seen Muslims destroying European heritage... There are concealed workings behind this invasion. One of the master plans of Freemasonry is to launch a war that will lead to economic and cultural exhaustion between Jews and Muslims until they destroy each other, a plan with which I fully agree and support. There are more things I could reveal... Anyway, believe that this invasion of Muslims on European territory will end badly ... It has gone wrong in all civilizations before and our leaders know about history, so they know very well what they are doing.
Another important point I want to mention is that, contrary to what the press has been putting up, the usage of fossil fuels has grown exponentially in relation to the usage of renewable energy. This means that the increase in energy consumption has increased and that the renewable technologies have not been the source of energy consumption. This may be due to the lack of adaptation to renewable energies or the need to maintain the prominence of the petrodollar (which is most likely). In any case, the installation of large renewable energy structures, especially photovoltaic in equatorial countries, is a trend that will not be reversed. It’s on this point that the migration plan becomes meaningful: exchanging a continent completely exhausted with natural resources like Europe, with countries rich in energy. This may well be the trick that complements this mass emigration and strong takeover of middle-sized central banks by the family R.
One more significant matter is the absolute control of the world's most important trade route (China-Mediterranean) by China. China has made massive loans to corrupt countries along a precious route to their future interests. China realizes that these corrupt countries will never repay the debt they owe and, in return for debt pardon, they will be required to handover their commercial ports, which control the production of oil from the Middle East. They’ve got America by the balls and Trump is a clown! So, gold is going up! A lot!
The other central topic that culminates this long political-economic-social testament is the need to move from a Keynesian economic policy to a Hayekian, a policy that drives the markets at the moment. The passage to the gold standard by China and Russia confirms this. This is a shout out: it ends the acceptance of worthless dollars based on an imperialist policy of expropriation of natural resources in third world countries, under the great military apparatus that resorts to the massed debt as a model of false growth. This cycle has come to an end... One thing that not a lot of people know is that since 9/11, the price of gold has kept on rising. Another thing you should know is that underneath the twin towers, tons of gold were stored and were never found after the false flag operation. In the weeks before this attack, the twin towers were evacuated and barred for two days, giving more than enough time to place the explosives and steal the gold. The goal was clearly to change the American public opinion given that, before the fall of the twin towers, was against the invasion of Iraq. I also recall that the enemy was from Afghanistan, an enemy that has been trained by the CIA since the age of 13 and belongs to the Bin Laden family, which has been in business with the Bush family for decades. Iraq was invaded because they had a central bank out of Rothschild's dominance. It was there that the motto for the new gold standard aimed for the oil trade was planned and executed. The Rothschild’s family could never allow such a thing to happen. What would the people say now!? This guy is crazy! And I’ll reply, you are ignorant without any knowledge about it...
But don’t be fooled by thinking that this comes with no consequences. This financial policy change will oblige a massive reduction of public debt, that is, people will be liquidated in a way never seen before after 1929. The debt was never to be paid in a conventional way (without war), it was to be accumulated and speculated, just as it happened in the Napoleonic wars (also financed by the Rothschild’s), always assuming that one side (western and eastern) is defeated in imperialism. The Middle East, Africa and South America have only serve one goal: to exploit the resources for the two fronts of combat. This debt also has an aggravating effect: the artificial intelligence and the robotics that make the less qualified human capital disposable. This way, there’s too many people consuming resources and increasing public debt without producing them. From a shift from a Keynesian to a Hayekian financial policy, are you seeing how this will end up? That's right... The easiest way to make the world economy sustainable is by murdering people. The possibility of losing control over the masses will never be a hypothesis, so they will not run the risk of high unemployment and potential rebellions. So, it seems that Europe will once again be the scene of a world war where billions of lives will be sacrificed in the name of sustainability. Now, it might make sense to increase the Muslim population in Europe, for they will be shields in the battlefield. Of course, war will have to arise on any pretext whatsoever, whether racial or bipolarisation of political ideals, whatever the argument they formulate, it is in the interest of the elites to carry out a large-scale social hygienization and to achieve financial equilibrium. It's payback time... Perhaps the admission of migrants into the millions in European territory and the promotion of the rise of the extreme right is one of the master plans to start this social hygiene, as done previously.
They create the problem and, miraculously, hand in the solution... This strategy has been used for 300 years and, by the reaction of the people, always works.

In conclusion, the debt will be paid with cattle blood. The world will be divided between those who are seeing the greatest economic crisis of this century and those who still cry for having lost the world cup. It will also be divided among those with courage to fight for what they deserve, and by the conformed ones of the custom. Televisions and toys will be thrown so the cattle will entertain themselves until the final blow ... And they will never perceive this reality. The strong will accumulate gold, commodities and cryptocurrency, build bunkers and preserve genetics, while the cattle continues to crawl for worthless paper, which we call minimum wage. Finally, they will have what they deserve: misery and a place in the forefront of the battlefield to discard their bodies... It will be through this chaos and this cleansing that a new great age will be born where human species will understand what economic sustainability is and, then, we will have this in memory to remember forever how necessary it is to avoid capital blood. Probably we will come into the "communism of elites" ...
Biohazard - Uncivilization
Plans for globalization: • Legalization of paedophilia and sexualisation of children • Creation of an international digital private currency alternative to gold • Promotion of the creation of Caucasian women and black men • Islamization of Europe • Rise of extreme Right • Implementation of military dictatorships prepared for war • Stock market crisis • Successive devaluation of money (paper) • Making the Middle East the continuous world's energy producer • Cybernetic and social censorship • Demonization of Putin • Keeping a clown ready for war in the presidency of the United States • Extermination of a large part of the world population • Concentration of people in cities • Destroying the family structure • Promoting deviant sexual behaviour • Increase entertainment And now I'm done since I’m almost throwing up ...
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