Topkek of the day 2019-09-24: Grumpy Greta Thunberg at the UNGA

Grumpy Greta Thunberg, the 16-year old climate change champion, lectured the world yesterday with fake tears and pouring emotions, whining about the end of the world with a twitchy left eye. She said: "I shouldn't be up here, I should be back in school". That's right Greta, you should be back to school to learn something about not being a puppet of those using you to advance their agenda.

"HOW DARE YOU", shouted Grumpy Greta at the world.

Grumpy Greta fumed as Trump walked past her, totally ignoring her. I guess her high hopes and delusions were demolished at that moment. The climate change indoctrinated crusaders gloried her for too long, then Trump put her in her place without firing a single word. It was sublime. She gave Trump an evil look, reminiscent of a psychopath who's about to commit murder. Greta, Trump doesn't give a shit about you. Deal with it.

Trump also tweeted this, sparking more fury from the climate change crusaders.

trump tweet.png

Trump was clearly mocking her Twitter profile description. The sarcasm was glorious.

greta twitter profile.png

Grumpy Greta's appearance at the UNGA was a joke, all this girl does is read scripts written for her, charge them with emotions, and expect everyone, nay, the WORLD, to submit in obedience. Ain't gonna happen.

This is the Greta that wants the world to panic.

This is the Greta that champions environmentalism on the surface... while enjoying her plastic breakfast in the background. Do you sense the hypocrisy: do as I say, don't do what I do.

Greta's theatrics are too transparent and deserve nothing but a topkek.

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