The white helmets-Syria & their friends Al-Qaeda-funded by the UK.

The white helmets are a rag tag bunch of not so merry men.


Next week.

I have some inside information from some very important people, that I can not yet share, as they have to submit a report to the house of lords, and parliament in the UK next week, then I will be able to "tell all"
I can in the meantime say some facts that are common knowledge to some people.

White (lies) helmets

They officially have 3400 Volunteers, the word "volunteer" we all know equals unpaid yes? indeed it does, so without further ado, let's take a look at who funds these so called saviours that only ever do their (bidding) supposed saving lives, in terrorist controlled areas run by the likes of Al-Qaeda, ISIS and Al-Nusra in Syria.

  • Enter the room the United kingdom - the funding is to the tune of (I hope you are sitting down) £65 million.

I’m proud to say we’re giving them I think £32 million [US$39.78 million] funding as part of a wider £65 million package for non-humanitarian aid (Boris the buffoon Johnson) source

For a rag tag bunch of volunteers, I can only conclude they are all driving around in Rolls Royce's to require 65 million pounds, but wait a moment, let's get a reality check going, and see WHO else funds these "volunteers" okay?.


I was going to do a breakdown of $ per man/woman (volunteer) though I can only find the funding for 2016, so I estimated that 0ver 7 years, and even without the hidden contributions it stood at $370.588 per volunteer.

If you just fell of your chair accept my apologies and allow me to extend a hand to pick you back up.


These volunteers have a nasty habit of rolling out the same children in propaganda material, all over Syria, you know like this child got injured here, then the same child gets injured thousands of miles away, except the name changes, though the child remains the same, must be amnesia eh! Take a look , you know you want to -----> source
It would seem that these people have received enough money to run a large army in such a poorly paid area would you not think? and all these funds come from countries that want Assad overthrown, go figure that one out.

EDIT = more information on the false flag chemical weapons false allegations here =

Another (muppet) puppet that the west like to use, is the Syrian observatory for human rights, this (man in Coventry UK) organisation is quoted daily in the (lamestream) corporate whore rags and news, from CNN to the British bs corporation. The man runs a second hand clothes shop in Coventry England, yet manages to cover every single event in Syria minute by minute, now that is a trick I must learn to do, maybe it has something to do with remote viewing, who knows eh. Meet the muppet time here ------------> fake news from Coventry have another source

I have a lot more information to share, and will share it daily or weekly.

Have a perfectly pleasant week, and keep smiling. (don't forget to give a loved one a hug a day)

All funds from this go towards my Tom in Syria fund for a new camera.
Images from pixabay

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