Is The Pope Satan Reincarnated? Compares The Deciples Of Jesus To IS And Says European Women Must Have Children With Muslims

Skjermbilde 2018-06-04 kl. 21.17.29.png

Pope Frans claimed recently that the muslim terrorist organization IS very much resembles Jesu Deciples. He also said during this interview with La Croix that muslim migrants has to integrate into the European society and have children with europeans to stop the declining birth rates.

The pope also said he feared hearing about "Europes Christians roots" because it reminded him of the "colonial times", and begged european nations to integrate muslims.

The integration is more important today as our selfish search for a better life has created a serious problem for Europe with low birth rates

He also said that a chatolic's choice of wearing a cross is the same as a muslim woman's "choice" of wearing head cover.

The pope's speech sounds a lot like Imam Sheikh Muhammad Ayed's who said this;

Europe is weak and old and need human refill. Soon they will be under our feet. They have lost their fertility, so they search for fertiliy amongst our people. And we will give them fertility! We will make children with their women, because we want to connquer their lands!

Promoting Socialism

The pope also spoke kindly of socialism.

A free market is not working. Market are good in it self, but they have to be regulated by a third party or a state that balance them. In other words, we need a socialist market economy.


Skjermbilde 2018-05-08 kl. 12.42.32.png

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