Do You Play Dungeon And Dragons? You Are Exercising White Privelege - nazi!

A brilliant professor, Antero Garcia argues in an academic journal that Dungeon and Dragons perpetuates systems of privilege.


Focusing on how the tabletop role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons is built on a system of play that has grown and shifted over the course of 40 years, this study emphasizes the central role that systems play in mediating the experiences of participants. By focusing on depictions of gender, race, and power in Dungeons & Dragons — as a singular cultural practice — this study highlights how researchers must attend to cultural production both around and within systems.

Now, before you start crying your white tears saying that race is not important in games, you should consider this

Dungeon and Dragons IS a white hobby, and it is male dominated. We need more women playing Dungeon and Dragons, and we should make sure that the schools or even law enforcement or the children services help parents help their kids to include more females to play.

And if you believe this is stupid..well, CHECK your privilege, you fucking stupid motherfucking white fucking piece of shit nazi! You can't escape your privileg white bitch.

Skjermbilde 2018-04-19 kl. 11.36.54.png

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