13 Year Old Girl Gang Raped In Sweden. The Court Lowered The Sentences To 5 And 4 Months, And The Last One Goes Free.

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Yup. This is how Sweden protects their population.

The 3 African men around 16-18 years old gang raped a 13 year old girl until her genitalia burst and blood came pouring out. When she was trying to escape out on a balcony and scream for help, she was raped once again while bleeding and screaming. It was filmed and put on social media.

The girl has after the rapes of course ended up trying to kill herself, because the movie has lead to her being bullied and becoming a victim of other rumors etc. She struggles with anxiety and nightmares.

The african boys got 5 and 4 months in Jail. The last one was only 15 so he did not get any jail sentence at all.

The victim got around 150,000 kroner (20k USD).

And of course, the rapists get to stay in Sweden. This is a great tactics to get to stay.


In other stories - Somali guy raped 12 year old. Recieved 22 hours community service.


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