You think you can handle the truth. Here is some real informationwar truth.

I use to watch Judicial Watch and think "Wow these guy's are on it". Now I watch and just get depressed about it. It is a dog and pony show and I think it is specifically designed to get us used to the sedition and treason our officials like to display on national T.V. It has gotten so bad that I have officially renamed it from Judicial Watch to Sedition Watch because that is what they are really doing. Right click and open in new window to watch Sedition watch if you like. 

JW: How McCabe, Comey Protected Clinton--and Themselves...and Parkland Police Violated Own Training

To be completely honest with you I get the same kind of depression when I look at the New York Stock Exchange. You see you can't actually own something buying it with a debt instrument. So everyone who is making a payment for their home is actually not the owner's of their own home even after all the payments are made. This is why they got rid of money. You see with money you can own things, because money has intrinsic value or what is called equity.

Think I am wrong all  you out their who have the pink slip for their home. Try reading your pink slip. You see I have read more than one and I can tell you down near the bottom of it is a little disclaimer. Says something about how the U.S is reserving their rights. Problem is though if you actually own your own home supposedly no one else has any rights to it. Yeah that right. It's just another dog an pony show.


The fact that you don't own anything that you used a debt instrument to acquire doesn't get past the going to the convenience store down the street and buying a pack of smokes. People say see I traded with this currency and got what I wanted at the store. Yeah but that debt instrument has a owner  called the Federal Reserves. They don't want the cancer, they do want you to think your free however. The name Federal Reserve is a fraud though as the Privately owned establishment isn't Federal and has no Reserves. 

I know people don't get it. I know people don't want to get it. I know some people can't even think about it. Here is the straight truth however: They own the currency and they own the food at the grocery store and they own the car you got in your driveway. They own you (In there mind). They own your kid's and they own everything from the roads you drive on to the candy and soda you get from the store and the clothes you got on your back. They even own all of the banks and the bankers too.  Still think I am wrong. Here is a the story of your enslavement! Watch it and prove me wrong.

                                        How they perceive us!


That little poop behind the cow represents what they will let you keep of your sweat equity. If I am wrong about this I would like someone, anyone really to explain how they can take peoples homes. How they can tow someones vehicle cause they want to? How is it they can take someone's child away or kill your pets and break down your door. How about kidnapping you because you are carrying a plant. Hell in the U.S they have over three million people in prison and more than 80% didn't commit a crime.

To be honest I really don't want anyone to try to justify mans law (bullshit). The truth is all you will prove by attempting to is that they are right, they don't need shackles. No cages are necessary as they have your address, phone number, and email. No all you will prove is why they don't need the trappings of slavery. Why they have no reason to change. Why they can keep on kidnapping your mother, father, sister, brother, cousin, uncle, ect ect ect and storing them in their meat lockers they call prisons. 


All photos are from Pixabay. I also know that everyone is to do there own research at all times. No one is responsible for what you think, if you think, or how you think. It is on you no matter what!

 However just in case there is someone who wants to know truth: Some links to help on the journey:

 The analytical memory associations vs the emotional associations

 Logic & Reason versus Emotions and preferences. How I trained my brain.

 Another why I train my brain! High performance in the informationwar.

 Exposing the Elete/ The privlege that is not! Why they don't want you to know.

Just in case you already awake and aware:

Like writing post that exposes criminal conspiracies. 

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