Venezuela Observatory: (2018 may 06)

People in Venezuela suffer.

The country seems in chaos, getting food and water is not easy.

Yesterday I read a post here on Steemit how people try so hard to get the bare essentials done doing multiple tasks at the same time that they suffer a nervous breakdown.

Now, our mainstream news is very scarce with news about Venezuela. Well there are a few big headlines about stuff they cant ignore.

Biggest Venezuelan bank temporary in hands of the state (May 2018)
At least 68 dead After riots and fire near Venezuelan policestation (Mar 2018)
President Venezuela gets fierce criticism during top in Peru (Apr 2018)
Venezuela claims to have collected 600 million dollar with own cryptocurrency (Feb 2018)

Do you see what is missing?

There are no headlines in people that suffer under the weight of bureaucratic BULLSHIT.
For news organisations there is money in headlines that manipulate business decisions. So that European corporations get hints where to put their money, and where to take it away. In Venezuela they cant make money, so they pull out from there.

Result, Venezuela will suffer more. Their currency will drop further. And guess what that means. THEIR OIL WILL BE CHEAPER. Even though they produce less oil, the oil companies just funnel every drop they can get out of there as fast as they can. Since the oil price in the rest of the world is NOT going down. The oil industry is robbing them at a moment they NEED the money as never before.

Now just wait for humanitarian aid funds (Like the Clinton foundation) to roll in. And oil companies will then 'generously' donate big sums of money to 'buy their souls free from the brutal thievery that is happening RIGHT NOW'

If those oil companies REALLY did give a shit then they would have been smarter to just pay the normal price and add humanitarian conditions to their oil deals. So that the Venezuelan economy would at least stay afloat, and that people would at least have the bare essentials to stay alive.

I nominate @ .... to write the next article in this series.

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