Why the double standard from Justice officials where Citizens must obey laws, but FBI/DOJ officials can lie using the weak 'I don't recall' then Excused by MSM? Guess What they are desperately trying to cover?

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This is a continuation of Part 1 in analyzing the OIG report.

When reading this 568 page document, the evidence of the amount of deception and all out lying which occurred among many of those in high level positions within the DOJ and FBI. A lot of passing the buck to the SDNY (New York office with the Weiner laptop) even though there is evidence SDNY was doing their job.

I believe these corruptors, many of which were simply appointed or came out of the Senior Executive Services; therefore Not elected by We the People leaving an opening to place people in positions to carry out plans of people networking towards a common goal and running cover for one another.

As was exposed employees in the SES have boasted about how difficult it IS to get fired.

A refresher and a run down including part 1 can bee seen here if you're not familiar. This goes over some of the pages of the OIG including connections to Q posts.

Here is part 1 if your not already familiar with the pages and highlights of the OIG report covered and analyzed.

OIG report and analysis showing the FBI and DOJ shirking responsibility and attempts to cover CF information and their own tracks. Backfired!


So why Care? What's the big deal with the OIG. It shows what these people in leadership positions, who Claim to be the upholders and stalwarts of justice.

You will see evidence that Proves they are anything but.

So they Prove over and over, even by their very own words and actions they are liars, deceivers and corrupt, yet the mainstream media does Nothing but defend them and point their hypocritical fingers at those who are Trying to expose said corruption.

What's going on? Here's more evidence.

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I would say Unbelievable, but clearly any time these corruptors lips are moving, you can Count on the Fact that They are Lying!

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What kind of an agent using This as an excuse?

"throughout the summer [we had] retired Foreign Service
officers...any number of people coming and saying, hey, I’ve got, you know, a
handful of emails related to, you know, the Secretary or Cheryl Mills or something.
And so we would run if they, we thought they had potential merit. We would track
them down.” Strzok conceded that this lead was more credible since it came from
an FBI field office and involved information obtained from Abedin’s husband. He
added, though, “[T]here is no inkling, there is not a shadow of the, you know,
what’s going to unfold a month later.”

You Don't Say Page!
Page 280

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If These people have This Poor of recall, what in the World are they doing in "Investigation?" What kind of Investigators Consistently Forget Important info and data? Were they Absent the day they gave one of those proficiency tests in high school? Why were they exempt and not called in by Their counselor to take it?

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Why have those in positions of leadership within the DOJ and FBI been allowed to get away with so many bold lies while practically throwing it in the faces of those who have to work hard to cover their salaries in a manner that is unconstitutional to begin with? This needs to STOP! These people are Not about Justice at all, but rather doing as they please and decide while thwarting the Same laws we all are required to obey.

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Page 281

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Really something how Comey and those around him consistently feign that they are clueless and bear No Responsibility in dropping the ball. Do we Really want these kinds of people in charge of Justice?

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Page 282-283

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Pages 284-285

On September 29 at 6:09 a.m., Sweeney sent the following email to
Priestap, “Can you give me a call on the ride in? Not clear under what authorities
we have. Thx.” Sweeney told us that he conveyed to Priestap in the phone call
that NYO did not have the legal authority to look at the Midyear-related material on
the Weiner laptop.

Then we find out the Assistant Special Agent in Charge sent following info.

At 8:12 a.m., the A/SAC forwarded to Sweeney the 7:04 p.m. email from
Priestap the night before. The A/SAC stated, “FYI There is no way that they can
just look at the emails. I even went over the guidance from SDNY. Not happening
unless they have some authority I am in the dark on. Let me known [sic] if you
want to discuss.”

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Page 285

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Page 286

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Appears to be a constant "passing the buck!"

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Page 288

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Page 293

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Why are there so many people within the DOJ and FBI who don't recall Anything? Does this give you confidence in the Justice Department of our country? What in the world are we all supporting these people for?

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So why did Coleman's notes contain this from Page 294 if he couldn't "Recall?"

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Surprise, Surprise!

Look at Comey and All of his subordinates who Couldn't Remember! Why is that when it was in Coleman's notes?

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Chad Pergram of Fox News helped to summarize the testimony with his tweet, revealing “Some factoids” about Comey’s testimony.

John Cardillo of Newsmax tweeted the perfect summary of Comey’s testimony yesterday, calling James Comey a #Liar:

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Check this out, when you go to the Justice gov link in the email, Surprise, Surprise. ...Redacted.

Isn't THAT JUST like them? Not to mention Oh So convenient!
Now many citizens must give an account, vet and prove facts, but become an Overlord and you can escape Any form of accountability. Why do We the People put up with this?

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According to 100% Fed Up,

Cardillo destroyed Comey in a brutal tweet, after reading all 235 pages of Comey’s testimony, Cardillo said he is “shocked at how the FBI operated on his watch”

See John Solomon's evidence on this in the Hill source below to an article titled,

Comey’s confession: dossier not verified before, or after, FISA warrant

John Soloman pointed to Comey's refusal to answer the questions that were being asked by the lawmakers. Soloman claims that Comey’s testimony confirms that the phony Russian dossier was not verified before or after the FISA warrant was issued.

Greg Jarret tweeted the following,

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Page 95

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And these are the people "In Charge of Justice!" God help us all!

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Page 296

Really McCabe, then how about taking some initiative? . Whatever happened to being Proactive?

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We would Say Unbelievable. . .but we all saw What their REAL or shall we say Focus was on Based on UNREAL and FAKED claims from a certain dossier They themselves orchestrated AND THEY All KNEW it!.

They were following yet again the DNC's Favorite communist writer Saul Alinsky and Oh how they LOVE the Radical Rule of "Whatever YOU are doing, Blame it On the OTHER side!"

They have Used this one so often and leaked Fake info to their corporate owned media until those whom the DNC and globalists consider sheep believe it is true. Because just as Hitler (who was furthered by the cabal as they blamed others) Minister of Propaganda said. . .well paraphrased just a little. . ."If you tell a lie often enough, IT becomes truth!

Did it ever for these liars and manipulators who were in a position that should have been respected, but They decided they knew better than the American people and stepped Outside the law to do their very own bidding and conniving.
Sickening! A group who was supposed to stand for justice did everything to Tear it Down!

Page 296

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Well isn't This Convenient for a group of people, many of which it was verified had already demonstrated their political bias to Hillary Clinton?

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And here it was all based on their own lies and trumped up charges All Along!

Page 299

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Page 300 on what the Supervisory Special Agent said he walked away feeling they had enough probable cause for a search warrant.

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Something doesn't add up here because a warrant was already obtained by NYPD on Sept. 26, 2016. You don't suppose their were purposeful delays or someone holding up the process do you?

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Pag 301

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Page 302

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If what Strozk claimed were true, then how do he and the FBI explain this going into 303?

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Page 304

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Contacting Office of Deputy Attorney General

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Page 305

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Page 306 An agent for 21 years "knew it was something!"

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307 Clinton Foundation

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More "not able to recall" yet again by Strozk and Laufman. . Haven't they heard of eating properly and taking vitamins if they have This much deficiency? Especially pertaining to a job that I would Think requires Constant Recall and note taking!

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Page 307 cont.

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Page 308 continued,

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More Unable to recall You're not surprised right? As this occurred After the story came out about McCabe's wife, Jill who was running for senator in Virginia and received funding from a Clinton Ally as stated here in a Wall Street Journal article which had already come out at this time and of Course McCabe was aware.

Clinton Ally Aided Campaign of FBI Official’s Wife
Group linked to Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe donated nearly half a million dollars to 2015 state Senate candidate


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Interesting as the lack of recall appears to be a symptom of C-o-r-r-u-p-t-i-o-n!

Page 310

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Blatantly shows a disregard for their roles and a lack of initiative when they Were Told and knew they should follow up on evidence concerning emails that were related to Hillary Clinton. . .thus Their Assigned Case!

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Page 311 McCabe caught in yet Another blatant Lie!

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Page 312 more evidence of how often they were told about the emails on that laptop and people had already said it warranted a search, yet they continued to use excuses to downplay the fact they lacked or refused to have initiative to Do Their Jobs We the People pay them for. Instead they decided to play games and attempt to use their methods of avoidance to confuse and lay blame while pretending that they bear Zero Accountability for their actions. Why are they in these positions of superiority and allowed to make judgement calls when they demonstrate a lack of judgement?

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Page 312 More evidence info on laptop involved the Clinton Foundation and McCabe didn't want it looked at.

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More lack of recall on 313,

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Page 314

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This appears to be a way the FBI can corroborate their stories to show their lack of initiative even though the case agent had contacted many of them and They Knew it! Looks like they just wanted a piece of documentation perhaps after some of them had discussed how to minimize fall out behind the scenes for what was contained in those emails and the amount which is verified was communicated numerous times!

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Page 315 cont.

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Noted on Page 317,

Toscas stated that the information he learned in late October about the Weiner
laptop, including information provided on this call, was markedly different than
what he had been told McCabe had informed NSD about in early October.
described the information provided earlier in October as “totally off base” and he
told us that he attributed this discrepancy to a “garble,” or miscommunication.

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Discrepancies in stories, more saying McCabe was briefed, but Priestap. .."Not able to recall!"

Pages 317-318

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It looks like they're tripping over one another with their lies. Does anyone Really not take notes or record all vital info? These people have degrees right? Were they not trained properly for their positions? Have things gotten this likes by institutions who are trusted to vet, verify and corroborate information? This is Just SAD!

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More passing the buck with convenient memory lapses. Wasn't McCabe a superior? Was it Not His job to check on his subordinates, communicate, make sure they were doing their jobs and following up on commands? Lets see here,

FBI Director Comey appointed McCabe as Deputy Director of the FBI on January 29, 2016, and he assumed those duties on February 1, 2016

So he was right under Comey. Do those in charge these days, those in supervisory positions get to shirk their responsibility and lay blame to those they are in charge of, or is that Only in the Fib organization?

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Pages 318-319

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It Really is Something that the protection of Children isn't more important to an organization that at least "pretends to be about justice!" . These people don't appear to have a conscience. Sad.

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Honestly, these people contradict each other over and over, you can go to the link and read how outrageous it is the phrase, "I don't recall," as their coworkers claim they spoke to their superiors about it.

Page 321 more than just a little questionable concerning what they were Really trying to do with Strozk's statement.

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Page 322

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Comey's statement during the briefing on Oct. 27 Cont.

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Page 323

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**Why did Comey ask, when he already stated it was important and "weighed heavily on him?" Was he look for others to confirm or give him a way out of doing the job he Already he knew he Was to Do?

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** Why does it sound like Comey is talking out of both sides of his mouth here?**

This doesn't add up.

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Page 324 How could Priestap make this call without seeing the evidence? Isn't a team who are supposed to be "elite investigators" supposed to operate from a position of evidence and Not Speculation?

Still finding it hard to believe these are the brightest and best of those with good character. Something's up here.

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Proof the FBI had all information needed from the Sept. meeting to justify actions Then rather than waiting until late October to move on it!

Pages 324-325

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There was a Video Teleconference Verifying They HAD been told in September.

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I can't Believe people who are tasked with seeking out Truth are allowed to get by with justifying speculation when given the opportunity and evidence to sort through, but hey, they had already done "a bunch of work." Wow!

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So let's break these excuses and lack of plausibility down!

They found this excuse offered by several members of the FBI team Unpersuasive!

**The FBI Midyear Team was awaiting further information from NYO: **

Page 325

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Page 326. . .Thank you, Thank you for pointing out the obvious, which these Clinton conspirators Thought We the People wouldn't Clearly see!

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Page 479 sounds like a lot of Double Talk to me and why to allow people to escape culpability. I believe We the People can see Right Through this!

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More on page 479, Of Course he should have recused himself! Are you kidding me?

How many of these people so far had partisan ties, really a kinship with the Clinton Clan and their Foundation?

Why was tax payer money Wasted to even ponder such a Clear Cut obvious Call? No really, WHY?

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page 478, ludicrous to me that they even *pondered whether there was a conflict of interest when Khadzik's wife And son had been offered positions with Clinton. They could have save all that money (that's right they don't care after all it isn't their money) and we the people could have done it in mere seconds rather than YEARS!

These committees. . .many of them appear to be simply be a FRONT to appease people and lull them into thinking they are trying to serve justice. Looks like they are all trying to Save their own hides!

Seriously? What about his wife's relationship and funds from Clinton she received? . How are these people in charge of making decisions when they can't see the cart before the horse?

These are the type of people our "Justice Division" employs and touts,

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Aren't you glad they hire such mature, responsible and non biased people to help dish out justice?

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I don't care what they were talking about, these people Think they are Above the American public, We the People and have No respect for our decisions! Yet it is obvious They lack discernment or they would have realized they shouldn't be communicating over devices known to gather All information! These are the people who "investigate crimes?"

Crimes or Trumped up charges based on their bias? I believe the DNC and those who work for them have Fully exposed themselves all while they call us names!

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By now, all are clear who agent 1 and 5 are. Page talked first, and Strozk, is now a cooperating witness.

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Page 457

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REALLY? Because we have evidence of This!

Comey's replacement is also embroiled in Clinton scandal: Andrew McCabe's wife got funding from a Hillary fundraiser


And THIS is their reasoning? Do these people completely Despise Logic?

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Page 483
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As stated by FBI dot gov,

December 1, 2015

Randall C. Coleman Named Executive Assistant Director of the Criminal, Cyber, Response, and Services Branch

Director James B. Comey has named Randall C. Coleman executive assistant director of the Criminal, Cyber, Response, and Services Branch at FBI headquarters (FBIHQ) in Washington, D.C. In this position, Mr. Coleman will oversee all FBI criminal and cyber investigations worldwide, international operations, critical incident response, and victim assistance. Mr. Coleman most recently served as assistant director of the counterintelligence division beginning in April 2014. Prior to that, he was the division’s deputy assistant director.

Mr. Coleman entered on duty with the FBI in 1997 and reported to the Phoenix Division, Kingman Resident Agency. While there, he managed multi-agency criminal and domestic terrorism investigations and served as the on-scene commander for numerous fugitive investigations, kidnappings, and homicides.

In 2002, Mr. Coleman was promoted to supervisory special agent in the counterintelligence division at FBIHQ, where he served as a program manager in the counterespionage section.

In 2004, Mr. Coleman transferred to the San Antonio Division to serve as the counterintelligence program coordinator and squad supervisor. In 2008, he was promoted to assistant special agent in charge of the national security programs for the San Antonio Division. In this role, he provided management and oversight for the Fort Hood shooting investigation and the dismantlement of a terrorist smuggling operation along the southwest border.

In 2010, Mr. Coleman returned to the FBIHQ as the section chief of the counterespionage section. In this role, Mr. Coleman managed numerous investigations, arrests, and prosecutions of individuals on charges of espionage.

In 2012, Mr. Coleman was promoted to special agent in charge of the Little Rock Division. During this assignment, Mr. Coleman established a public corruption task force responsible for significant arrests and prosecutions throughout the state of Arkansas, as well as a counterintelligence task force and cyber threat center.

Prior to joining the FBI, Mr. Coleman was an officer in the U.S. Army for nine years. He served with the 1st Cavalry Division, Fort Hood, Texas and commanded in the 4th Infantry Division, Fort Carson, Colorado.


OIG Report



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Page 12 Strozk SES position


Logo for SES here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Senior_Executive_Service_(United_States)


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