Why don't the Hollywood & Music Industry Establishment, Politicians they fund. . . give money Directly to the needy?

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While doing an article on a Candace Owens' appearance at Stanford, I was reminded from a source I came across dealing with the reality of the plight in the black population. It was titled,
7 Serious Issues Facing Black People that aren't 'Oscar White'

The article by a writer named, Jerome Hudson, began like this,
"Considering the massive amount of media attention the lack of black Oscar nominations is receiving, you would think the “Oscars So White” issue is the most consequential calamity facing black Americans since slavery."

It set off an array of emotions because it reminded me about how I have felt throughout the years, even before I was more awakened to the deception of what is "staged" for any viewing purposes, I always had an almost visceral reaction to the fact that the disparity between the have's and have nots, is quite a large gap. Not only in our country, but around the globe.

It appears to be so glaring, yet another group of people is constantly blamed for it. . . "the Establishment" which the media consistently rages is predominately white, older people whom they claim have made their fortunes off of the backs of minorities and the working class. The latter part is true, but the Establishment was perpetuated and grown by none other than the Democratic Party who is controlled, bribed and paid for by the Cabal, or globalists who wish to install a One World Government for all.

Back to the opening of that article by Jerome Hudson, it reminded me of how disgusted I was with the hypocrisy of the left that worships this Establishment, which also comprises most of Hollywood, the Music Industry and those who run it. If you doubt what I say, look at who they fund politically and who they hob knob around with! It becomes very clear, yet many don't discuss it. They pretend it doesn't exist.

Anyhow, as those Oscars were once again being lavished upon and spoken about throughout mainstream media, I was compelled to do a report on the symbolism and how much the pay homage to the Cabal and luciferian agenda filled to the brim with illuminati symbols. They count on the fact that many are not aware of their symbolism and deception.

Here is the report I did back in March of 2018 titled
Academy/Oscars/Grammy Intentions ramping up of symbolism/ people murdering saying they are possessed

Why is it such a battle cry among the white liberals that not enough black people are receiving their dues for Oscar awards and such. I say such, because I consider that industry about as fake as the Tell a Vision box people watch it on! The extravagance, luxury, the amount of money spent on clothing, jewelry and perfume. ..not to mention the venue and over the top decor.

Why don't they save that money, hold their adorations, adulations and golden awards in a park? Are they too good for the park? Oh, would they perhaps not feel Protected and Secure enough?

Give that excessive amount of money used to procure the building and over the top decor just to stooge, fine stage a show, to the people who need better housing from the tent cities as they advocate for these people to be there. Shouldn't they be taking care of these illegal immigrants with their salaries that put them in the 1% club?

Why don't they take better care of those people rather than hiding away in their gated communities while criticizing the working class who don't even live there? That is their backyard. . .Hollywood should put their money where their Mouth is and help them. Get out there and give them food! If we can do it in our cities, they should do it in California with the 1% who holds massive wealth in Hollywood!

Get out there and get these people proper housing. What are they waiting for? They can't blame conservatives as Obama was president when those tent cities were created!

Here they are armed to the hilt with security during their extravagant "praise us more" shows as they get on their soap box and preach to the rest of us about turning in our guns. Do you see how well protected they all are?

This seemed to be a big theme for many in Hollywood including the host of the Oscars Jimmy Kimmel. His net worth is a staggering $45 million and his salary is $15 million. How many of you would make it a point to help homeless, veterans etc. Directly, not cloaked as, "we contribute to foundation ______ name any charity/foundation contributing massive sums to the Democratic Party and nominees. No, help directly the people themselves!

What about the security around their house? Step outside your gated community for more than your grandiose trips, ostentatious shopping sprees, exorbitant skin care and body image surgery regimes and take these people for a meal and needed supplies. Show them a path to get permanent housing.

Give directly to these illegals and black people who are in a lower socioeconomic status, not just to these foundations set up by politicians and 1 percenters who run what were originally government intelligence programs they found posers for like facebook, google, youtube. You've seen who is on the board of Zuckerberg's foundation which reads like a who's who for Obama, the Clintons and democrats. Same for many of these other foundations, so put your money and time Directly into the people!

Why do you suppose they always have those foundations as a back up? So when we question the problems leadership in the Democratic party has created, along with the fact that They in Hollywood and those in charge of Silicon Valley, the music industry, the corporate world, Wall Street and of course the wealthy politicians (especially those who have amassed a fortune and it is clear they are getting kickback from somewhere) are the ones with the means, the access to the riches of the land to actually Do Something.

They don't though do they? Instead they stand and spew out their disgust and angrily point their fingers at everyone else, rather than acknowledging that they Are the kingpin to unfair distribution of wealth. What are their salaries. How much do elite athlete's make?

Possibly the working/middle class white liberals do care, but here's the kicker, why don't they care More about those who are on the democratic plantation? Who don't have access to the over the top salaries and connections these Hollywood actors have no matter their color.

Isn't there far more value distributed by teachers, police officers, firefighters, military personnel. ..all of which put their lives on the line? Are they not worth far more to us than those putting on shows, entertainment, playing sports?

If you start poking around you see how money is funneled to them in various ways and by various means. Who is at the helm of that do you suppose?

Under Obama, it appeared the gap between these entitled elitists and the working class has widened. Democratic Party Plantation? No thank you! I say RUN in the other direction Fast!

It goes back to the saying not for thee, but for we!

I digress, my question posed about the white liberals. It is not just the elitist white liberals already in the lap of luxury, but also the working, middle class liberals who claim they care. Why are they taken in by a message that shows the opposite?

For instance, many black people will tell you they are Not oppressed and have more opportunities than ever, it's just a matter of whether they want to accept those opportunities or get caught up in the "doomed to failure" mentality the Democratic party fosters.

For example, unemployment among the black population and Hispanics fell just after one year of President Trump being in office. Why did unemployment among these people keep increasing under Obama? How was he helping them? Here is a source.


Do these people have to listen to a party that has told them for generations they are helping them, yet clearly have kept them dependent upon government assistance programs and a vicious cycle of voting them back in, just to keep those programs with promises of a better tomorrow?

No, Obama never delivered on his promises and they are on to him! Many, including those in Chicago where he got part of his start have come out and stated that he did nothing for them!

For example, Minister Louis Farrakhan stated this,
"“We’re in the second term of the Obama administration, and economic circumstances for African-Americans — in real income, median income, wage increases, unemployment — it’s a disaster.” And over here Donald Trump’s the one guy running around trying to literally make unification inroads with black leaders and black churches. “The first elected black governor, Douglas Wilder,” this is from TheHill.com (summarized), “says that Hillary Clinton assumes she has unwavering support from African-Americans, and it isn’t true.”

"“He’s worried about his legacy…,” Farrakhan jeered, adding, “You didn’t earn your legacy with Black people…. You fought for the rights of gay people…. You fight for Israel. Your people are suffering and dying in the streets. That’s where your legacy is and you failed to do what should have been done.”

This found in https://www.afro.com/farrakhan-questions-obamas-black-legacy/

He also stated this, "“But I just want to tell you, Mr. President, you’re from Chicago and so am I. I go out in the streets with the people. I visited the worst neighborhoods. I talked to the gangs. And while I was out there talking to them they said ‘You know, Farrakhan, the president ain’t never come. Could you get him to come and look after us?’ There’s your legacy, Mr. President, it’s in the streets with your suffering people, Mr. President. And If you can’t go and see about them, then don’t worry about your legacy.”

Rush Limbaugh says this, "But remember, the leaders of this movement are not really the same people who live in these inner city neighborhoods. They are purely, 100% political. This is not about “living conditions.” It’s not about any of these things they bellyache about. This is about advancing liberalism, globalism. This is about transforming the United States away from what it was founded to be. This is about defeating Republicans and conservatives, disguised as an effort to ratchet up the quality of black lives.

The whole thing is misdirection, and the proof of that in this case is there’s not a white cop anywhere involved in any of this, and it doesn’t matter. Farrakhan, he sees what’s going on. “Hey, man, your people in Chicago, your people in Charlotte, they’re dying to the streets you’re not doing a thing about it! You are worried about your legacy on health care, and you go out and make a speech and you beg us to show up and vote for Hillary for your legacy?”

Read more here https://www.rushlimbaugh.com/daily/2016/09/22/calypso_louie_rips_obama_on_chicago/

Farrakhan is not the first Black leader to question Obama’s efforts toward improving the lot of African Americans. People like Union Theological Seminary professor Cornel West and media personality Tavis Smiley have long and often called his commitment to the Black community into question.

According to US News, statistics show, "The vast majority of homicide victims are killed by people of their own race. People tend to kill who they know."

As reported by US News, "Among the roughly 6,000 cases in which the race of the victim and the offender were known, the number of blacks killed by blacks rose to 2,380 last year, an increase of about 8 percent from 2014.

Black on black homicides, 89.3% . This is touted as under 90%. Most are black on black.

What is the white liberal left talking about?

What in the world am I talking about?

This is a great article which speaks on the very subject of black people and an advocate that promotes victory over being a victim. In other words, they don't have to be part of the hold and dependency on the Democratic Party. They can Break Free! One gentleman did exactly this and I have the information from Candace Owens herself in this article along with more issues and statistics concerning the black population and minorities.

A black man yells, "I am Free, I am off the Plantation the Left has Created!

What are your thoughts on the Establishment? Should they be putting their money where their mouth is and redistribute some of their massive wealth Directly to people in demonstrating the most need? Do you believe the black population in America is oppressed, or do they have many opportunities they can choose to take advantage of? Please let me know in the comments below.

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