Admitted Voter Manipulation and Fraud! Evidence and footage

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Many stories of the mishandling of ballots, improper counting and some admitting to not doing their jobs, many ballots left uncounted or placed in warehouses in the past, along with "software glitches." Yes, we know who is behind the "glitches both in software, data transfers and the end user hardware. It is through witness accounts of citizens we have seen the true story and shown various forms of deceptive practices all used in an effort for radicals to "get their way!" They will do Whatever it takes. They after all, want to do away with the constitution in order to do so.

Just as described here in this article in foreign countries, the progressives carry out their same ploys right here in the United States, and really anywhere it helps them Get Their Way!

PM al-Abadi: Fire at ballot box warehouse plot to harm Iraq
PM says burning of Baghdad site where ballot boxes from disputed vote were kept aimed at sabotaging democracy.

Teacher reports finding ballot box left behind at Broward polling place

Hear more outrageous accounts in Arizona and Florida here

Entire US Election System in Question: Fraudulent and Suspicious Activities Reported Nation-wide – And ALWAYS to Democrat’s Benefit

More sources at bottom.

They don't want to operate from a foundation of guidelines and rules. They make up their own rules to cheat the system as when Obama told illegals they could vote and no one would prosecute. Only one example of many where the progressives encouraged breaking the law to usher in their Own form of government.

Yet progressives and those on the left kept denying for years there were issues with the polling process and tried to claim there was "no voter fraud." I believe the words human error already told us even if we Didn't already have proof there was error and we know from those who have already been arrested for tampering with mail in ballots in TX. . .there is fraud and those cheating the system.

Just take for example the problems we have all seen in the "hacking the credit card system" and stealing data we all watched go down at target. What do you mean error and fraud isn't possible? Only One example as there are Numerous incidents that occur showing digital transfers Can be hacked and as we've seen, there are people who don't have a conscience and are more than willing to tamper with paper ballots or just hide and destroy so they aren't even counted.

People can try to mince words and nit pick using what they consider their superior attitude and vocabulary, but end of day. . .it's called cheating the system! We are tired of being told we should put up with their "Do as thou wilt attitude and to look the other way!

Perhaps our vocabulary is not as fancy or appreciated by these elitists and their "wannabe elitist followers" but we call them all by the name of Cheater! They can attempt to justify all they want, but a Cheater is a Cheater! You want a fancier name, use your thesaurus! Perhaps it can give you a word less stinging and more fitting for your pretentious attitude! We all still know what you are whether you admit it or not.

Silent No More! A Reckoning is Coming! Red October anniversary was November 7 when Sessions resigned. There is a purpose, a plan in place! Let's not forget Gowdy and Goodlatte! #Qanon, #Anons, #Qarmy, #Patriots

See footage of,

WTH! FLORIDA VOTER Films Broward County Election Officials Transferring Ballots in Rented Truck

FLORIDA VOTER Films Broward County Elect Officials Transferring Ballots: Rented Truck Election Nite

This Patriot does a great job of describing it. His audio is a bit bad at times, but it clears and you can make out what he is saying.


Here are just some of what is being seen from all around the country!

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See more from other Patriots here,


Brenda Snipes admitting she destroyed ballots.

FL SEN: Provisional Ballots Left Unsecured In Sketchy Democratic County...Might Be Unverifiable

Woman Overseeing Broward Vote Count Illegally Destroyed Ballots in Previous Race

Flashback: Elections Supervisor Brenda Snipes Admits in Court Noncitizens Are Voting in Broward County

Why did Broward destroy 2016 ballots? Sanders ally seeks US probe.

23,000 California DMV voter-registration fails, and we're not supposed to worry about illegals voting

Florida Official Overseeing Vote Count Destroyed Ballots, Accused of Not Removing Dead Voters from Rolls

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