Cognitive Dissonance & US Corruption


I will never stop speaking on the evils of the Clintons, the Bush’s, John McCain, the DNC, Obama and all their accomplices or the damage done by neoliberalism, the criminality of 4 decades of military interventionism, and the sociopathic devolvement of our now non-democratic government. Because the second we stop reflecting or the minute a Supreme Court Justice retires, we lose our damn minds and begin to feel nostalgic for the leaders who gave us bare minimum to control our masses while bombing the hell out of the rest of the world, pillaging their resources, destabilizing their regions, and unleashing an immeasurable refugee crisis (easy in the millions) and a billion-dollar-a-year human trafficking ring.

I will not stop speaking out about it until their crimes against humanity are readily understood, the damage publicly accessed, when the press returns to journalism instead of propaganda.

Yes, our country is in a bad way - but going back is a hideous and reckless wish; even selfish. It’s not OKAY or ethical to wish to return to the lullaby of believing lies and coverups because gas prices are reasonable or a liberal judge might get nominated.

WE are ethically and spiritually and karmically tied to that which is done in our name, draped in our flag, paid for by US dollars.

I dare you to tell me again we should have voted for Hillary Clinton because you care so very little about how she would have enforced an internationally illegal no-fly zone over Syria to force escalating tensions with Russia - to launch a war to force regime change for oil. Or care about her regime-toppling in Libya or supporting the coup in Honduras. This is modern-day colonization, murder, imperialism. North Korea was next. Iran too.

I will keep talking about it until our sickness, our attachment to our abusers end. When we are done and are ready to hold them accountable; legally, financially, criminally. Until then, we are just playing a mean game of badminton on a warm day, back and fourth, back and fourth. Getting nowhere but getting sweaty playing.

Enough is enough. I will not attend any protest or organize any protest which helps to hide those truly accountable for their failed (but profitable) policies and militarism. I will not help them remain in power in November by pretending the problems we have today were created in 18 months.

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