The OPCW Insists on Framing Syria for a Non-Chemical Attacks

Despite being shamed publicly and globally for their flawed report on the Douma attack which was staged more proper than the alleged chemical attack in Hama countryside, the disgraced international chemical 'watchdog' body released a report blaming the Syrian state for an attack that never happened against a non-existing hospital!

OPCW witnesses?

The flaws start with the target that doesn't exist and not ending with the evidence received by Al-Qaeda operatives. Since when does an international watchdog organization cooperate and entrust an organization affiliated with Al-Qaeda and is listed as a terrorist group by the UN, the USA itself and its European lackeys, even Turkey says al-Qaeda is a terrorist organization but all of them deal with it to demonize Syria, simply because all their attempts to take over the country has failed.

Details in this report: OPCW New Pimp for al Qaeda in Syria, Pompeo Approves.

Your objective comments are always welcomed.

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