Living outside of my country is not synonymous with Riches, Good Life and Good Work .... Living outside of Venezuela is synonymous with Struggle, Hard Work, Sacrifices, Loneliness, Courage, Survival, many times being Humiliated, Despised, and Abused.

It is also synonymous with renouncing many things and sacrificing for others with the sole purpose of having a better life, although many times you unveil and lose the dream .... This is for all those who have never left their land and are daring to criticize all those, we who once had a little VALENTIA, of FEAR and Hope once and above all of A LOT OF FAITH in God and Our Lady and we dared to leave comfort in our land, and to our loved ones, So also friends ... To Search New Horizons ...

Living outside of your country is living with the pain of the absence and the distance of your loved ones, in the dates and moments of important joy as well as those of pain when we have the misfortune of losing a loved one and not being able to be next of our family.

Living outside of our country is the worst thing that could have happened to Venezuelans, who out of extreme necessity have had to leave our borders looking for an alternative that allows us to help those who remained struggling to move forward.

But I am hopeful that God will allow Venezuela to be freed from this evil and evil yoke and once again become free and prosperous Venezuela, so that all Venezuelans who are scattered around the world can return to their homeland, where we can all live in peace.

And that day God will paint in the sky, in all the sunsets the flag of Venezuela in each twilight.

I am Venezuela, we are VENEZUELA ...



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