John F. Kennedy and some historical backgrounds ...



I don’t like Many politicians, but in my opinion there were some good politicians who were honest to the people. Unfortunately, you can count them on one hand. Besides Abraham Lincoln and Kennedy were big ones for me!

Therefore, this personality and some facts of his death, as well as some ideas that he wanted to realize will be my topic today.

JFK ...

Each of us (or at least most) have ever heard of J.F. Kennedy heard. And even if it's only the name that has been picked up, because in many places in the world places, airports or streets were named after him. The full name of this person is John Fitzgerald "Jack" Kennedy and he was born on May 29, 1917 in Brookline, Massachusetts/ USA.

On November 22, 1963, J.F. Kennedy in Dallas, Texas unfortunately victim of a stroke in which he died. Rest in peace at this point! One of the few politicians who might have made a terrific big change for the world and its monetary system. Most commonly, he is also called by his initials "JFK" and he was from 1961 to 1963 the 35th President of the United States of America.

About Kennedy's death

In the attack on John F. Kennedy, he was reportedly killed by two to four rifle shots. The statements about how many deadly shots he got is different in the statements. Wikipedia still relies on two. As a suspect Lee Harvey Oswald (1939-1963) was arrested and two days later, this was killed.

The Warren Commission appointed by Kennedy's successor Lyndon B. Johnson came to the conclusion that Oswald was the sole offender. A later convened committee of inquiry of the House of Representatives (HSCA), however, noted that there had been several perpetrators. Clear forensic evidence for this has not come to the light of day, but recent investigations of the available and official evidence have maintained the individual eta thesis so far.

To this day, the issue is controversially and heatedly discussed, various theories are in circulation, especially because the enlightenment of the dramatic murder case was accompanied from the beginning by obstacles, glitches, mistakes, contradictions and omissions of the investigating authorities, doctors and commissions of inquiry.

The attack is hugely popular with the general public: a large majority of Americans suspect that Kennedy has been the victim of a deceitful conspiracy, whereas academic historians, in the majority, prefer sole affinity.

As you can see, only a few academics have a different opinion about it, while other people and professions have different views on it. There is a lack of accessible evidence and tips.

Three shots in about seven seconds? WOOOOOUUUUHOOOOOUUUU ...

The second big question, and the most well-known myth, is that it's impossible to fire three shots in just seven seconds with Oswald's old Mannlicher Carcano rifle 91/38.
That is also true, if one considers the technical data of the manufacturer: according to manufacturer information, one can shoot with the rifle usually twelve shots in the minute.
So if you take this data as a template, Mr. Oswald would have needed more than ten seconds for his three shots. In order to test this, the US TV channel CBS conducted its own tests in 1967, which led to the conclusion that three shots in seven seconds are truly feasible.

The CBS took a weapons engineer for the tests, who hit a moving target three times in 5.2 seconds. The then fastest of the shooters missed the three shots even in an incredible 4.1 seconds, unfortunately, this hit the target again only once.

Embezzlement of evidence

The frame number 313 was missing. Also, the subsequent 20 to 30 images were very often omitted in most television documentaries. As a reason it was sometimes because of the youth protection law.

The incident was so horrible enough. On November 22, 1963, Abraham Zapruder, a passer-by at the time, filmed the 26-second video of this moment with his narrow-film camera; the moment John F. Kennedy was killed.

The picture with the number 313 shows the hit of a projectile on the head of J.F.K and subsequent pictures show, how the head of the president is thrown back. However, two official investigations came to the conclusion that the shot had hit the president from behind and was fired from the sixth floor of a publishing house. Now the tracks supposedly lead to Mr. Oswald, because he worked at this time on the sixth floor of this publishing house.

It was said that the murder weapon was also found there, an Italian Carcano military carbine caliber 6.5 mm from the Second World War and three empty cartridge cases.

Dude, that fits perfectly to three shots, right? A shot whose shot-off spot had not been found so far, the second shot that severely hit President Kennedy in the neck and then pierced through Governor John Connally in front of him, and finally the third shot, the JFK in hit the head. Is this all possible? Does not show the direction in which JFK's head was thrown, that the shot in the head had to come from the front?

This could mean that there was another assassin to make sure that KJF is really killed if the first shooter misses the target. This clue, the "Head Snap" on the Passanten Film, is just one example that challenges the all-inclusive thesis and proves that JFK did not succumb to any single assassin, but to several and a possible conspiracy.

Who the client can be is unclear, speculation even then said it could be the mafia, the CIA, the arms industry, the Federal Bank or Vice President Johnson in question. Sure, even with all this information, some are flawed, such as that Oswald should have been a bad shooter or that the rifle would have been ineligible, which Oswald joined in March 1963 for just $ 19.95 (including the riflescope) ordered a sports goods shipment.

JFK Assassination: Eyewitness movie shows Kennedy's last seconds

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JFK Assassination Footage with Dallas DPD Sound


The Warren Report

The individual perpetrator Lee Harvey Oswald had been declared in the Warren Commission in 1964. Johnson, Kennedy's successor, had a week later, the judge Earl Warren charged with investigating the Kennedy murder. The commission led by Judge Earl Warren stated in the well-known and published 1964 report that there is no evidence of conspiracy.

the theory of the individual offender

The "Warren Report" included all the explanations, evidence, and interrogation protocols around the 35 volumes. It is said that the Commission interrogated about 90 witnesses and obtained more than 300 affidavits.

All evidence spoke for Oswald as the culprit. Oswald had just before, a few weeks before the assassination of JKF started to work in the bookstore, which was later considered a crime scene. There, the investigators found after the assassination in a room, the 3 known cartridge cases and also the murder weapon with Oswald's fingerprints. In addition, Mr. Oswald's appearance matched the descriptions of eyewitnesses.

These witnesses, it is said, had seen a man at the book warehouse window during the assassination.

Doubts and questions are still open

However, there is also reason to doubt this individual perpetrator theory, because Oswald had not confessed to the murder until his death, he denied this stubbornly. Oswald could never be asked about the allegations, because when the police tried to transfer him to the county jail, nightclub owner Jack Ruby shot Oswald in front of the cameras. Lee Harvey Oswald died shortly afterwards of the hospital shooting.

the theory of the second offender

And there are other questions, doubts, and a few inconsistencies, for a minute and a half after the JFK assassination, Oswald was being checked by a police officer on the ground floor of the school bookstore, without Oswald being rushed or out of breath.

How could he calmly and quickly move from point A to point B?

Some witnesses to the Kennedy murder also said they had seen shots from the opposite direction, from a nearby grassy hill. This could also be an indication of a second offender. Officially it is said that the second shot of Oswald should not only have injured the President JFK on the neck, no, as well as this one shot is also responsible for several injuries to Governor John Connally.
Hmh, ... questionable if it is possible that a bullet can change the track so often ...

Some critics see it that way and therefore do not believe in a "magic bullet" that simply changes its trajectory so many times. The contradictions stir up the fire of mistrust ... It is the unanswered questions and the contradictions that have caused mistrust in the public and therefore do not allow the official statements to be acknowledged. The mourning for the well-liked President JFK and the subsequent murder of the alleged assassin in front of cameras running only gave more fuel.

According to the assessment of the Berlin historian Knud Krakow, the motive for action Oswalds was not sufficiently presented or explained.

The secrecy period

On 26 October 2017, the confidentiality period for the remaining documents on the assassination attempt on JFK expired, not even Trump could prevent it. Although many have hoped that the "JFK files" will confirm their theories, some experts were rather reserved.

"I do not think there are big revelations"

says John Tunheim, head of a panel set up by the Congress in 1992 to audit and publish the materials.

Why did the Kennedy family experience so much suffering?

For some, the curious and premature deaths and scandals of the family of John F. Kennedy seem very strange. And indeed, JFK's brother, the late Sen. Edward "Ted" Kennedy, wondered aloud if his family were victims of a "terrible curse" ...

The story of the Kennedy family and the deadly plane crashes ...

Some may still remember the crash of the Massachusetts plane, in which JFK's son, John F. Kennedy Jr., whose wife Carolyn Bessette Kennedy and sister-in-law Lauren Bessette lost their lives. The crash was attributed to JFK Jr., who controlled the plane at night and lost his bearings before all crashed into the Atlantic Ocean. So it is at least officially.

lesser known

Let's turn back the time a bit further ... Years before, Ted Kennedy survived a plane crash In which two other people dies .

President JFK's eldest brother, Joe Kennedy Jr., died in an air disaster in 1944 after volunteering to lead a secret and extremely dangerous WWII bomb mission in occupied France. During this daring mission, two explosions shook his plane, "causing the death of the two pilots," says the JFK Presidential Library. However, the true cause of the explosions is still a mystery.


what did JFK do?

It was on November 28, 1961 when JFK halted the sale of silver by the Ministry of Finance. The increasing demand for the precious metal as an industrial metal had led to a huge increase in the silver market price compared to the fixed price of the US government.

This in turn led to a decline in government excess silver reserves of over 80% in 1961. John F. Kennedy also called on the Congress to finally phased out silver certificates in favor of notes from the Federal Reserve Bank, which were still backed by gold, according to the Associated Press.
Kennedy repeatedly repeated his demands to Congress, also in his 1963 economic report, where he wrote:

I urge again for a revision of our silver policy to reflect the status of silver as a metal for which there is growing industrial demand. Apart from its use in coins, silver has no useful monetary function. In 1961, the silver sale was stopped by the Minister of Finance at my direction. As a further step, I recommend the repeal of those laws that oblige the Ministry of Finance to support the price of silver; and waived the special 50% tax on the transfer of silver interest and authorized the Federal Reserve System to issue notes in denominations of $ 1, thus allowing the gradual withdrawal of silver certificates from circulation and the use of silver for coinage purposes. I urge Congress to take immediate action on these recommended changes.

the emergence of the idea of a central bank

The proposal for the central bank originally came from the German banker Paul Warburg. Paul Warburg was a partner of Bankhaus Warburg in Hamburg. In 1893 he married during a stay in the States, the daughter of Salomon Loeb from New York Bank Kuhn, Loeb & Co., the Paul Warburg and his brother Felix in 1902 as a partner in the bank (merged in 1977 to Lehman Brothers) pure.

The financial and banking crisis in the fall of 1907 tore 243 banks into the abyss and only a few months earlier there was talk of the "necessity" of a central bank, pure coincidence, fate ...?

Generously paid by Kuhn-Loeb Bank for $ 500,000, after the banking crisis, Paul Warburg spent 6 years promoting and preparing a "bank reform", supported by Nelson D. Aldrich, Nelson D. Aldrich was the father-in-law of America's first billion-dollar heir to many, Mr. John D. Rockefeller Jr., known as banker JP Morgan's stirrup-holder, and also a Senator.


In a secret meeting convened by Senator Aldrich in November 1910 and held on the Morgan property, ie on Jekyl Island in Georgia, Warburg and two bankers of JP Morgan and the Rockefeller group wrote a bill within a week the republican senator wanted to make known under his name in the congress.

However, because of his well-known ties to New York's Wall Street Financial and Stock Exchange Center, as the majority of very distrusting deputies rightly saw a plan, he failed to dominate a small circle of powerful and friendly and connected bankers To guarantee enormous profit opportunities within the American economy forever.

Of course, the Wall Street sharks were stubborn, and they did not get discouraged that quickly. One possibility in the 1912 presidential election was to lend liberal Democratic candidate Woodrow Wilson to the presidency. He presented himself to the public in the election campaign as an opponent of the Wall Street Money Trust and promised the people a money system free from the rule of Wall Street international bankers. But it came as we see today and feel very different, yes, the true sponsors of him; the ships, Warburgs, Kahns, Rockefellers, and Morgans had chosen the right horse.

Under the innocuous propaganda title "Federal Reserve Act," which was supposed to destroy a central bank's Wall Street plan, they channeled Jekyl Island's slightly redrafted text on Democratic Group middlemen, with the support of President Wilson, through committees in Congress Vote on December 23, 1913, in which many unsuspecting MPs had already started their Christmas holidays and hardly anyone had actually read the bill before. The few present and participating members who looked through the back-to-back game unfortunately did not get enough attention.

The Conservative Henry Cabot Lodge sen. Said "a huge inflation of the means of payment" ahead and that "the gold currency in a flood of non-redeemable paper currency" would drown. After the vote, Charles A. Lindberg Sr., father of the famous aviator, told the congress:

"This law establishes the most gigantic cartel on earth ... this will legalize the invisible government of the money power ... This is the disguised Aldrich Bill ... The new law will generate inflation whenever the cartel wants inflation."

The well-planned billion profit

In truth, the entire central bank concept was threaded by the very group that was to be robbed of its power. At the heart of the law were state powers that would give private founding banks a perpetual, billion-dollar bill each year, while ensuring that no American government was worried about the government deficit, as long as the gentlemen in suits are on the side of the government and the printing press at all times can set in motion.

The presses were real magic machines, because thanks to them, the gentlemen transformed previously worthless paper into valuable dollar bills and lent them to the US, against conceived and fixed interest rates, and now to other states and banks. Even before the establishment of the central bank system, private banks had printed banknotes.

Only it was e.g. 1880 still 2,000 banks, whereby from the year 1914 only strongly increase. When the well-known President Abraham Lincoln needed money to finance the civil war in 1861 and the loans from the Rothschild banks were too expensive for him, he simply had his own dollar notes printed, the "greenback".

But even this president should not survive this daring act. Even Lincoln was murdered, in 1865 he was shot by a lone gunman, who in turn was shot on the run for security ... as in John F. Kennedy.

His successor Mr. Andrew Johnson discontinued banknote production for some unknown reason. And as we can see from the story, the next president, who was trying to subordinate the money monopoly to the state, was John F. Kennedy.

A few months before the assassination attempt, according to a witness, JFK is said to have written his father Joseph Kennedy in the Oval Office of the White House:

"If you do that, they'll kill you!"

But JFK stood behind his ideals and tried his best to enforce his plan. On June 4, 1963, J.F. Kennedy the "Executive Order Number 11110", with the JFK overruled the earlier "Executive Order Number 10289", the production of banknotes back into the power of the state and dethroned the small fraudulent cartel of private banks dethroned. However, when some $ 4 billion under the name "United States Notes" had already been channeled into circulation and even larger quantities were waiting for extradition in the state printing press, Kennedy was also alleged on 22 November 1963, exactly 100 years after Lincoln Single shooter shot, who in turn was shot.

Huuuuuh, coincidence, fate, karma ...?!?!

Also JFK's successor was named (Lyndon B.) Johnson and also put this for some unknown reasons, the banknote production again. Of course, the 12 Federal Reserve banks had the Kennedy bills removed from circulation and exchanged for their own. With the monopoly on unlimited money production, the Federal Reserve system earns enormous sums of money year after year.

If one then takes the following quote, which Mayer Amschel Rothschild made in 1963 in London in front of business partners:

"The few who understand the system will be so much interested in their profits or dependent on the favor of the system that no opposition will ever emerge from their ranks. But the great masses of people, mentally unable to comprehend, will carry their burden without grumbling, perhaps even without speculating that the system is hostile to their interests. "

And also expressed by him in 1790:

"Give me control of a nation's money and I no longer care who makes the laws."

Last but not least the quote from David Rockefeller in 1994 before the US Business Council:

"We are at the beginning of a worldwide upheaval. All we need is a really big crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order (NWO) and if all this information is correct, then I can understand, if no politician dares to change anything in the creation of money and only to work on this NWO. So it becomes all the more important that we come to a direct democracy worldwide, so that our governments are no longer extortionable and we are not completely under the wheels."

Thank you for your attention and for reading. Images and text made by myself. Quote levels set and sources specified. Video Source YouTube


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