It's late and let's go talk about a woo woo subject real quick

Ever since i told Neal not that long ago that I really don't spend that much time on youtube I've decided to go back and spend some evening time on youtube. So, now I like to look into lots of different people questioning things.

Look, before you go ballistic.. questioning things is healthy. I don't care what others will tell you or how many snowflakes flag me. You should have a dialog about anything and question anything. The mainstream narrative for any topic where "the science is settled" is hiding something. No topic is so permanently and perfectly known that there's nothing else to learn about it as a species, and certainly the exploration for any being might help them learn something or discover something along the way. Anything less than open dialog is bullshit. You should be like a 5 year old and ask why until you're satisfied with answers.

Anyway, I've always been taught that physics is a certain way, geology is a certain way, timelines are a certain way, and the universe behaves a certain way. The older I've gotten and nearly every time I've looked into these things the less and less I believe practically everything I've been taught. Except chemistry. As it turns out chemistry is more experimentally derived than most other things. So, I'm feeling pretty good about chemistry... but the rest is filled with total bullshit.

Anyway, what better way to question the bullshittedness than a video series recommendation that talks about the possibility that the mountain called "the elephant" is actually a giant fucking elephant. While that seems totally idiotic at first glance I'd encourage you to watch and see if you don't find enough there to start questioning things around you that you've been told.

Again, having the discussion and believing everything you hear are two different things. I'm intrigued enough to think, hey this is neat, I wonder if it's just this mountain, or maybe there's other giant structures that might follow the same pattern. Maybe there's other creatures that have been fossilized the same way. Maybe this experiment can be reproduced elsewhere...

I absolutely hated biology class in college. I haven't paid attention to a lecture like this in years... I found it totally fascinating.

The guy on here is Stellium7 on youtube. he's a chiropractor that has spent 3 years studying this mountain. He has found that there's something akin to 50 different amazing coincidences that would have to align randomly in order for it to not be a giant elephant. here's one video in the series.

Basically he's exploring this dead elephants head. he's looking at elephants we'd normally think of and says, hey, this elephant has a thingy here. Does the big one have that same thingy? hey this elephant would have shit here in the ear. Is there a cave where the ear would be and does it have any similarities to what a normal elephant would have?

Topics to explore would be things like the nephilim that were giants actually existed. David and Goliath and other stories of fighting giants like Norse myths might have more truth than you'd tend to believe going to schools and churches..

Then there would be that totally outlandish and crazy video "there are no trees on flat earth"

I'm not much of a flat earther, but the idea that giant trees may have existed makes more sense when you consider giant people may have existed, which starts getting back to how would these things have been here? How come the Smithsoian museum keeps snatching shit that might be relevant. How come there's video footage of 20 foot tall people in Japanese parades form 100 years ago? Why are there all these pictures around that show excavations where people are digging up giants.

I had a lot of school years. I'm growing more and more comfortable that our current form of public School is a weapon of mass destruction, and that nearly everything that I learned about as many topics as possible was complete and utter bullshit.

Am I completely convinced this is a true and real story? NO... but do I think this and other topics are worth exploring? yes! If for no other reason than parts of my public education would have told me this shit is settled and there's nothing to be found here!!! But honestly, let's have discussion around topics that seem out there and see if there's anything of merit. If there's not it's pretty easy to abandon. If there are some things worth exploring then wouldn't it be cool to imagine the possibilities of the universe.

Should be fun and well worth 20 min of your time to just simply explore the topic.

Oh, also shoutout to @sgtreport, because I saw an interview on their web channel that got me interested enough to explore.

I'll go into other woo woo subjects soon like Kobe Bryant's death, and Corona Virus.

That should also be fun!


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