The car has differences between halogen and xenon lights and LED ligthing

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Today I will talk about car lights and lights
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Many times we often forget how important the headlights of the car are for lighting our way. We always see if the lighthouse model is very striking or what it looks like to our car, but the most important thing is to determine the type of light we project.

Currently, the technology in the automotive market has been evolving and now we have Halogen, Xenon and LED type lights. Next, we will make some small comparisons in order to have a better knowledge and to be able to choose the right system for our vehicle.


Halogen Lights:

They are the most common lights and they abound in the market, the reason for their popularity is the low cost they have and the simplicity of their spotlights. However, it has a point against it that is decisive in comparison to its competitors and that translates into its performance, where the energy it consumes is lost in the form of heat.

Functioning: a halogen bulb consists of a glass bulb highly resistant to high temperatures, together with a tungsten filament, which in turn is combined with gases such as argon and nitrogen. The focus when receiving the current generates approximately 2500 °, becoming incandescent and emitting light, for this reason the heat generated translates into a loss of energy.

Xenon Lights: (HID)


Xenon lights (officially known as high density discharge lights or HID) left there in 1991 in the BMW 7 series and over the years has become the main competitor of halogen lights. Also, it is considered the 1st option for some very important brands.

Operation: it is very similar to a fluorescent, because it is composed of a hermetic tube full of gases, two electrodes and current that goes from one electrode to another through the gas.

The main advantage of this type of lights is that they project a light superior to 3000 lumens, unlike a halogen light that projects 1400 lumens, as well as, the white color that projects. Likewise, it generates lower temperature and therefore less energy loss.

Led lights
Lights Using this type of lights favors the safety of night driving as it causes less visual fatigue and resembles daylight. Therefore, by generating a light with greater range, allows us to get more reaction time to any setback that may arise along the way.

But as there are pros in this system there are also points against, such as the high cost in terms of maintenance, repair or replacement. This is because its operation is much more complex than halogen lights.

The point of equilibrium is found with LED lights, since they are basically light emitting diodes, which have been able to make a space thanks to their small size and low consumption. Although the light is not as strong as those of xenon, they have gained popularity due to the ease of making designs with their headlights (they can be made narrower or in any other way) that up to now is difficult to do with conventional lights .

The main disadvantage of this system is that, although its heat generation is low, it is produced from the base of the headlight, therefore, heatsinks or fans must be installed in a location near the engine, because it is not a cool zone let's say

All these complications make the cost even greater than that of the Xenon, even so, it can be more profitable if there is no problem, since the useful life of LEDs can exceed those of the same vehicle.

Hopefully with these explanations you can choose the best lights for your vehicle.

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