The Marketplace - @eaglespirits Medicine Card Energywork Shop - Review by @iexplore


The following will be a review from a card reading I received from @eaglespirit. If you are looking for energy work or any other product or service you may want to join the @ifc discord room where you will find the marketplace. There you can interact with all the store owners directly and see if there is a service or product you may be interested in. And you can even purchase with Steem/SBD and maybe any other method of payment. The @ifc has an amazing group of people and you may even find your inner spirit animal!

Medicine Card Energy Work Shop in The Marketplace

From @eaglespirits' Store Post:

I’m a First Nation member of the Hopi & Apache Native American tribes, Medicine Woman in training, first time blogger since November 2017, right here on Steemit, paralegal, researcher, and writer based in the Mountains of Colorado, USA. Your choices are from four decks: 1. Shaman Oracle, 2. Chakra Energy Work, 3. Spirit Animal, or 4. Regular Tarot. You can choose a 1, 3, or 4 card draw. What you will receive is a full reading with positive encouragement and extra energy sent your way since I am a Reiki Master Teacher

She also goes into more details of what she does in her post Medicine Cards or Tarot Cards - What's the Difference? in which she shared the following video.


My Review

I have always had respect for Indigenous Native Americans. I admire their connection to this beautiful Earth and the respect they have to Nature and the spiritual realms. So, receiving a reading was a no brainer for me. And of course all the awesome reviews I've read!

I chose a one card oracle reading and wanted to focus on life and if there are any blocks in my way and how to take the step over it if so. I won't go into much detail about the reading itself, but let me tell you @eaglespirit doesn't mess around. Her presentation is incredible and very detailed and professional! I was truly impressed with the effort involved. I enjoyed every bit of the reading. It got me thinking more and she really helped point me in the right direction.

The reading lasted about an hour and half! Not sure if this is typical, but it just goes to show you that she takes her time and provides you with a detailed reading.

I recommend this to anyone interested in readings, Native American medicine or anything similar. Head over to the ifc discord room and check @eaglespirits' shop under the Marketplace!

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