This 78-year-old Grandfather from East Kalimantan Rejects Rp. 10 Billion for the sake of keeping his artificial forest from being damaged: ‘I prepare oxygen for the people.

Suhendri, a 78-year-old grandfather from Kutai Kartanegara, East Kalimantan, has become a hero to the community for providing oxygen from his artificial forest.

Yes, without expecting anything or anything in return, Suhendri's grandfather gladly provided oxygen for the people from his artificial forest in the middle of Tenggarong City.

"I prepare oxygen for the people in this city," he said.

He even rejected the investors who kept coming to tempt him to give up his artificial forest.

"Many came to buy, but I did not want to. Moreover, if I want to make housing, I do not want to, the environment is damaged, "he said.

The offer given by the investors was no joke. The 1.5 hectare land is valued at Rp 10 billion.

But fortunately, with his determination, grandfather Suhendri was not tempted. He still maintains his forest to be enjoyed until his grandchildren and grandchildren later.

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Not only for that reason, Suhendri's grandfather defended his forest but also reflected from his previous experience, in 1971, when he worked as a construction worker for a boarding project owned by a timber company, reported

At that time, he witnessed how the company brutally cut wood to make the forest bare without the rest.

"From there comes motivation. I will take care of the forest. I then turned into a farmer, but worked on other people's land, "he said.

His noble intention was finally realized in 1986. With a capital of Rp 100,000, Suhendri's grandfather bought an area of ​​1.5 hectares, and began planting 1,000 wood seeds of resin, meranti, lime, pine, eucalyptus, ironwood, and sengon, which he got from Bogor, West Java.

Now, after 33 years, these seeds have grown into tall, towering trees that form forests in the city.

The middle of the city forest is also attracting the attention of research students, both domestically and abroad.

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