The secret information on Pakistan, the imprisonment of Indian women diplomats


Indian woman diplomat has been sentenced to three years in prison for secret information from Pakistan's intelligence agency. His lawyer told the information on Sunday.

Madhuri Gupta, the diplomat, has been convicted in New Delhi on Friday for allegedly spying on the Indian Embassy in Islamabad and sharing information incorrectly - News Dawn online.61-year-old Gupta was arrested on the charge of informing Pakistani intelligence agency ISI. Two years later he was released on bail.

Madhuri's lawyer Yoginder Dahiya said that he will appeal to the High Court against this verdict. She said Madhura had already spent 21 months in jail. He should be released as such.Press Trust of India reported that Madhuri had documented information from Pakistan in 2009 and 2010. But because of his trafficking information he was released from long-term punishment because he was not a military officer.
Indian police say, before being arrested in 2010, he was kept under surveillance for six months.

Refuting all accusations against herself, she said she has been harassed for her having a bad relationship with the embassy and foreign ministry officials.

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