Try to give my son the strength not to follow the crowd when everyone else is doing it. Teach him to listen to every one, but teach him also to filters all that he hears on a screen of truth and take only the good that comes through.

Abraham Lincoln, in his letter to his son's teacher

Often times, people tend to grow suspicions of how and where their friends or partners picked up some funny attitudes they display, which may not have come as a default in them when they met. Well, suspect no more because social media (Facebook, Steemit) has succeeded in schooling them towards the very wrong perceptions of life.


When I come across some write-ups: Tips to healthy relationships, road to success, how to build a strong marriage, and what have you; that people usually post here, I smile. I would immediately start imagining how endangered the consumers of such tips could be. What we have failed to understand is, Every content is undoubtedly a product of their Creators' environment, which by all indication could be different from yours.


Let me seize this opportunity to state a clear fact which has remained controversial for a long time, "there's no generally efficient formula to a good relationship or home." We are products of different genes, different backgrounds, different peer groups, different parental influences....and as such cannot and should never be expected to unanimously depend on a writeup from an individual for a better living.

  • Take for instance, A man who's love and respect for his woman got abused, his advice to you would be 'turn to rigidity when dealing with your woman; that it will gain more respect for you as a man.' (he adviced you based on his experience, but that is never an ideal). While the man who has enjoyed a reciprocate of his love and respect from his woman, will counsel you otherwise.

  • The girl who sees her boyfriend's attempt to detach her from other guys who might be recklessly disturbing her, as an act of protecting her, will not see his act as overprotection, while the girl who enjoys male advances while she is still in a relationship, will oppose.

Study your partner and let him study you, the product of your harmonious togetherness, is in fact the formula of your own relationship....not some personally motivated epistle that will only shatter the peace and understanding you have managed to build in your marriage and relationships.

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Here are some Poetry you will really love to read. Originally written by yours truly

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