Tips for reading books

Why do people think reading book is scary?
1.Reading books make people feel bored.
People thought that watching videos gives a clear overview of topic where reading makes people bored and consume more time. People pretend themselves busier than really they are, result in less interest in books.
2.Movies replace books.
Famous books story is nowadays made high budget movies which ultimately affect reading books.

These are serious problems related to reading books. Now, coming towards the solution, you can find various methods. Here is one of the methods for reading books which is not more than just a joke.
1.Firstly, make a pattern of reading books before sleep.
This is the best way to remember the contents and increase your memory power. Reading on other time may affect your lifestyle but just letting few minutes before sleeping doesn't affect anything on your daily activities.
2.Choose your favorite field books.
If your interest is in science than you can easily start with science-related books, politics than political books and law books. On the top of this, it will increase your imagination and may be famous like Albert Einstein.

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