Hi There. I'd Like To Introduce Myself😀

Hi there! My Steemit (and YouTube) name is Mimaroo. How did I come up with that moniker? Well it doesn't have anything to do with kangaroos and it's not because I'm Australian (I'm Canadian actually), it's because my daughter suggested it, when I was looking for a YouTube moniker. I am a collector of precious metals and I dabble in all sorts of things. Back in 2009 I made it my goal to become financially literate. I had lost half of my "managed" mutual fund investments in 2008 and had not really recovered much a year later. I was reading a financial magazine at the airport and stumbled across an article about a couple of millionaires that had been featured in previous years. What really struck me about these guys is that they didn't start with a whole lot of money, but figured out how to invest properly. It's been quite the journey, but I've learned a lot along the way. I hope to share some of the things I've learned with all of you fine Steemers. Thanks for stopping by and take care!

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