Nuns blame Gun manufacturers for gun violence; which is ironically is a Heart problem, not a firearm problem, so the Church is at fault!

A faith based group blames gun makers for violence which is actually a heart problem, and as a results partially THEIR own fault!

If they had done their own job well, and addressed the core problems of the church; the condition of the Heart, then this "gun problem" would not exist! They have failed to do what GOD requires, yet they point the finger at others!
They should pray and examine their own hearts, and beg forgiveness for not doing their own jobs first, Before any other actions are taken!

EVERY CHURCH has failed to support what GOD teaches, and we are left with a Republic in chaos because of a total failure of our Moral compass; that has not been preached from our pulpits! This religious group needs to do a LOT of soul searching, and self analysis; before they try to sway anyone else! The abdicated that place, by not preaching GOD's message for the last half century!

If we look at the people most likely to feel the justification to kill others, we will find a preponderance of liberals:
liberal based mass shootings.png

So a liberal group composed mostly of Nuns decided to Buy stocks to force legal issue from inside! They have purchased enough stock, to gain a voice is these companies. They are now demanding a report that will provide documentation that can be accessed in lawsuits, that will compromise the companies making these same reports!

So their request for information is not an attempt to protect their investment, but rather a plan to make extra legal risks for gun manufacturers! This eventually will harm their own investment, and is intended to destroy the companies they have invested in.

This is slanted information from CNBC, so read carefully:

Here is the Nun that began this quest:

To this group, I say:
Matthew 7:5 (KJV)

Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

So begin preaching the Bible again, and eschew sin rather than embrace it! Begin fixing the HEARTS and restore our moral base, which YOU are responsible for! Once that which GOD commands is again heard from your pulpits, then you can begin to speak on what others do!

Until then, SHUT UP! You do not have the right!


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