Feed the Brain! #infobits • Info 4 Busy People • Thinking Visually


How to think visually with visual analogies (infographic)

How To Think Visually Using Visual Analogies #infographicImage by Anna Vital

Why do we think visually?

It's fast! It's natural, too. Humans are visual creatures and we process so much of our world this way. People must process astounding sums of information every single day. Our modern culture experiences an intake of data and information that is greater than any generation before us. We process more than any population in recorded history.

Our brains are evolving to cater to this massive change and it will be interesting to see how technology will alter that evolution. Think about how much more information we consume compared to a person just two decades ago. Think about how much this will increase in the next two decades.

Everything is by design

Everything is created by us - we are pattern oriented and highly visual creatures. As our society's pace continues to increase, we hack our brains to keep with the pace. Everything is designed to enhance the speed. Think about how web connection in the past two decades has exponentially increased; by demand.

The amount of data passing through the 'internet tubes' is more than it has ever been, so it is no surprise that our mind speed and web speed has increased. Our brains are capable of intaking more and our technology adapts to provide us that additional input. It grows in demand, so our hunger shall be satiated as we demand improved technologies. It's all by design.


What is Visual Thinking?

Visual thinking, also called visual/spatial learning or picture thinking is the phenomenon of thinking through visual processing.

It is common in approximately 60–65% of the general population. wiki

Visual Thinking: Not Just About Pictures

The article might be a few years old, but nonetheless provides a great breakdown of the six categories/components of visual thinking. It is an article on Visual Thinking Magic • The Evolution of Extraordinary Intelligence. It defines the visual components that allow us to evolve the way we communicate.

Hungry for more?

Here is a little more brain-food for the hungry minds, via AldenLeonard.com:

To drive home the point to my audience, I presented the core visual thinking skills as a visual thinking exercise. In these visual notes, I show the progression and relationships between each step in memorable, visual ways. Alden Leonard.

content property of Alden Leonard

Just some #infobits for the busy brain

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