Who is a fascist?


The real fascists were the US, British, and German bankers and industrialists that invested in German industry after WWI. They financed Adolf Hitler since 1919.

Their hub corporation of German industry was I. G. Farben. The executives of I. G. Farben directly advised Hitler, Göring, and Himmler and provided intelligence for the Wehrmacht.

Prescott Bush and Averell Harriman’s bank financed Hitler’s Party headquarters.

Bush and Harriman used concentration camp labor from Auschwitz in their Silesian steel plant in Poland.

Bush and Harriman lost their directorships at UBC bank in New York, for Trading With The Enemy in 1942.

The Rockefellers financed the Third Reich and supplied it with oil, before and during WWII. They helped to build Auschwitz.

The invasions of the Third Reich were the invasions of the international bankers and industrialists.

Eighty five percent of the over one hundred I. G. Farben plants were not bombed by the Allies.

After the war, the Rockefellers and Bushes helped to create the CIA and they ran it.

Prescott Bush financed the Eisenhower/Nixon ticket in 1952. Nelson Rockefeller financed Nixon for President in 1968.

Every single US President since WWII has been financed and/or advised by the Bushes, Rockefellers and Rothschilds.

Those Presidents who do not work out well for the interests of the Bushes, Rockefellers, and Rothschilds get removed from office with a bullet, an investigation, or election shenanigans.

Joe Biden is a Rockefeller/Rothschild man. These are the real fascists behind Biden.

Trump is against the fascist international big bank establishment.

Trump is against fascism.

Trump is against the oil wars and bad trade deals of the international bankers that are Biden’s top lifetime donors.

Just respond with a laughing emoji if you are a fascist supporter of Joe Biden.

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