What do you get when you cross an Hippie with a Pioneer

So what do you get when you cross a hippie and a pioneer. A Hipponeer of course. LOL. This is a name that came about over time for me.

It all started because of my son. A little back history on him. He had a rough start being born at 27 weeks. We had found out a month before he had a congenital heart defect. He had open heart surgery the day he was suppose to be born. Due to a nerve being nicked during his surgery his left vocal chord was paralyzed. This resulted in him needing a feeding tube called a g-tube.


Had first seizure just before his first birthday. Fast forward a few years and I was speaking with my chiropractor about him and his seizures because I couldn't figure what was the trigger for them. So he suggested a type of muscle response test that would indicate what he could tolerate and what he couldn't as in food or chemical intolerances.


Corn was the culprit. Holy heck what a rabbit hole this turned out to be. Stay tuned I will fill you in on the many horrors of avoiding it later. Let's just say that it's very hard to find over the counter medicine without corn derivatives. I had to research food alternatives and everyday medicines as well as the prescribed.

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So began the adventures into becoming the Hipponeer.

Gardening, rabbit raising, homemade from scratch, learning about herbs and how they help the body. This is my life now and am looking forward to sharing it all with you.


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