6 Plants That Eliminate The Indoor Humidity

A moist environment is a breeding ground for bacteria and mold. That includes unwanted symptoms like watery eyes, itching, fatigue, dizziness, respiratory infections, congestion, and sneezing.

The damp scent, mold, and mildew can even put you in a bad mood or lead to depression. The indoor humidity can cause a lot of illnesses and diseases.

There are a lot of houseplants that can provide cleaner, purer air and also, they can balance the indoor humidity. Some of them can reduce the toxins and the biggest concerns like benzene, trichloroethylene, and formaldehyde, which could lead to serious health problems like asthma, various allergies and, even tumors.

Never let your plants sit in stagnant water as you will counteract the beneficial effects.

They absorb moisture through their leaves and they are also especially good at getting rid of indoor air pollutants, particularly formaldehyde such as bamboo palm, lady palm, red palm, and areca palm. They are excellent humidifiers and can be kept anywhere in the home.

They are effective as a natural humidifier and also they thrive best when they are kept indoors in front of a sunny window. You need to water them at least two to three times per week.

Boston Fern
It is a very attractive and exotic plant and also ideal for using it as a natural humidifier. It helps to balance the humidity levels and to make your home more comfortable. Furthermore, it removes unwanted toxins like xylene, benzene, and formaldehyde.

Spider Plant
It is a beautiful houseplant with long arching leaves. They are helpful for absorbing harmful substances like mold and other allergens. It is removing 90 percent of toxins in the air and it can help to balance the humidity levels, too.

Peace Lily
The good idea is to keep these plants in your bathroom, as they can help to keep your shower curtains and tiles from developing mildew as well as to absorb harmful vapors from things like acetone and alcohol. They are easy to grow and require little sunlight to thrive.

English Ivy
They are absorbers for formaldehyde where is often found in carpeting treatments, household cleaning products, and furniture. The ideal place for them is higher up in a room near the ceiling for absorbing humidity that can arise. Also, they require minimal sunlight.
These plants are really easy to look after, in fact, some of them require only minimal sunlight which is great for placing them in your house. They can be used not only as a decoration in your house but also for reducing the indoor humidity.

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