Enchantment Pulo Aceh, #Island of Virgin in Ujung Barat Indonesia#

Enchantment Pulo Aceh, Island of Virgin in Ujung Barat Indonesia
by Mawaralfaruq71@gmail.com.
#Pesona Pulo Aceh, Pulau Perawan di Ujung Barat Indonesia
oleh Mawaralfaruq71@gmail.com.

Poto: Pulo Aceh di Aceh
Fotografer : Pulo Aceh in Aceh (mwr)

Banda Aceh - Trip to Tanah Rencong, there is one more destination that must be visited by tourists. Is Pulo Aceh, a beautiful island in Aceh Besar that has a million charms.

To visit Pulo Aceh, tourists can cross from Ulee Lheue Port, Banda Aceh, Aceh by using KM Papuyu. The journey takes about 1.5 hours.

The cost is very cheap which is around Rp 18.000. During the boat, tourists can sit sweetly enjoy the beauty of the islands skipped.

Had the opportunity to explore Pulo Nasi in Pulo Aceh Sub-district at the invitation of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Aceh. Last weekend, Disbudpar Aceh held 'Pulo Aceh Festival 2017' for two days, ie 22-23 July.

#Banda Aceh - Perjalanan ke Tanah Rencong, ada satu lagi tujuan yang harus dikunjungi wisatawan.Apakah Pulo Aceh, sebuah pulau yang indah di Aceh Besar yang memiliki sejuta pesona.

Untuk menuju Pulo Aceh, wisatawan dapat melakukan penerbangan dari Pelabuhan Ulee Lheue, Banda Aceh, Aceh dengan menggunakan KM Papuyu.Perjalanan selama sekitar 1,5 jam.

Biayanya tergolong sangat murah sekitar Rp 18.000.Selama di kapal, wisatawan bisa duduk manis menikmati keindahan kepulauan yang dilewati.

detikHotel Berselang Pulo Nasi di Kecamatan Pulo Aceh atas undangan Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Aceh.Akhir pekan lalu, Disbudpar Aceh menggelar 'Pulo Aceh Festival 2017' selama dua hari, yaitu 22-23 Juli.
Poto : anorama mengelilingi kapal
Fotografer : Panorama around the ship (mwr)

The event, entitled 'Pulo Aceh Destination Exploration', also involves the Agency for Exploitation of Sabang Area (BPKS), Disparpora Aceh Besar and Conservation and Culture Value Hall of Kemendikbud RI.

After traveling the sea, the group from Banda Aceh finally arrived at Lamteng Port, Pulo Nasi Settlements, Pulo Aceh District. Its harbor is lined with small islands and towering mountains.

From the left side of the boat, tourists can see some beautiful islands located adjacent. While on the right of the ship, the mountains stretched wide. On the one hand, the entrance gate enters Pulo Aceh Raja Ampatnya Aceh.

#Acara yang bertajuk 'Eksplorasi Tujuan Pulo Aceh' ini juga terkait Badan Eksploitasi Kawasan Sabang (BPKS), Disparpora Aceh Besar dan Balai Nilai Konservasi dan Budaya Kemendikbud RI.

Setelah menempuh perjalanan laut, rombongan dari Banda Aceh akhirnya sampai di Pelabuhan Lamteng, Pulo Nasi Settlements, Kabupaten Pulo Aceh.Pelabuhannya dilapisi dengan pulau-pulau kecil dan pegunungan yang menjulang tinggi.

Dari sisi kiri kapal, wisatawan bisa melihat-lihat beberapa pulau kecil nan indah yang terletak berdekatan.Sementara di sebelah kanan kanan kapal, pegunungan terbentang lebar.Di satu sisi, pesona gerbang masuk Pulo Aceh Raja Ampatnya Aceh.
Poto :Panorama Pulo Aceh dari ketinggian(mwr)
Fotografer : Panorama Pulo Aceh from altitude (mwr)

Before the ship docked to lean, a fishing boat suddenly approached. On it, there are a number of children sitting neatly. These Pulo children are preparing to welcome guests from Banda Aceh. They performed Likok Pulo dance from the ship that moved slowly.

The welcoming dance performance lasts about 10 minutes. Travelers climb to the top floor of KM Papuyu and capture the moment by using a mobile phone. The presence of fishing boats in calm waves and clear water makes the eyes more melt.

In one corner of the harbor, several fishing boats stood neatly. To enjoy the beauty of the entrance landscape of Pulo Aceh as a whole, the traveler can walk about one kilometer from the harbor. From the plateau, small islands are visible and the seawater has two colors.

Head of Culture and Tourism Office of Aceh Reza Fahlevi said the implementation of Pulo Aceh Festival 2017 was held as a form of introducing the potential and natural wealth, as well as the culture of the people of Aceh Island to tourists. The goal is for local people to have entrepreneurship and the spirit of hospitality in welcoming and serving the guests.

"This festival not only provides entertainment for the local community, but also the spirit to promote Pulo Aceh in particular and Aceh is generally a leading tourist destination in Aceh," Reza said.

In Pulo Nasi itself, there are several destinations that are worth a visit. Among them, Nipah Beach, Deudap Beach, Ujung Lhok Reudep Beach, Ujung Batee Gla in Alue Riyeung Village, and Ujung Kareung Teungeh in Pasi Janeng Village to enjoy the sunset. Each of these locations has its own charm.

#Sebelum kapal berlabuh untuk bersandar, sebuah kapal nelayan tiba-tiba mendekat.Di atasnya, ada beberapa anak duduk rapi.Anak-anak Pulo ini bersiap menyambut tamu dari Banda Aceh.Mereka melakukan tarian Likok Pulo dari kapal yang bergerak perlahan.

Pertunjukan tarian penyambutan yang berlangsung sekitar 10 menit.Pelancong memanjat paling atas KM Papuyu dan mengabadikan momen tersebut dengan menggunakan ponsel.Kehadiran perahu nelayan di ombak nan tenang dan udara jernih mata lebih mencair.

Di salah satu sudut pelabuhan, beberapa kapal nelayan berdiri rapi.Untuk menikmati keindahan lanskap pintu masuk Pulo Aceh secara keseluruhan, musafir bisa berjalan sekitar satu kilometer dari pelabuhan.Dari dataran tinggi, pulau-pulau kecil terlihat dan udara lautnya memiliki dua warna.

Kepala Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Aceh Reza Fahlevi mengatakan, pelaksanaan Pulo Aceh Festival 2017 digelar sebagai wujud mengenalkan potensi dan kekayaan alam, serta budaya masyarakat Pulau Aceh kepada wisatawan.Tujuannya agar masyarakat memiliki wirausaha dan semangat perhotelan dalam menyambut dan melayani para tamu.

"Festival ini tidak hanya bisa memberikan hiburan untuk masyarakat lokal, tapi juga semangat untuk mempromosikan Pulo Aceh pada khususnya dan Aceh pada umumnya merupakan destinasi unggulan unggulan di Aceh," kata Reza.

Di Pulo Nasi sendiri, ada beberapa destinasi yang patut dikunjungi.Diolah, Pantai Nipah, Pantai Deudap, Pantai Ujung Lhok Reudep, Ujung Batee Gla di Desa Alue Riyeung, dan Ujung Kareung Teungeh di Desa Pasi Janeng untuk menikmati matahari terbit.Masing-masing lokasi ini memiliki daya tarik tersendiri.

 poto : Pantai di Pulo Aceh (mwr)
 fotografer : Beach in Pulo Aceh (mwr)

Pulo Aceh located in the outermost region of Aceh Besar district has a number of islands. But only two inhabited islands are Pulo Breuh and Pulo Rice. To go to the two islands should also be taken from a separate location.

If departing from Banda Aceh, to cross to Pulo Nasi there are two alternative options. The first is to use fishing boats that usually transport people and the various needs of the people there. For this option, the ship leans near the bridge to Ulee Lheue Port and transports residents daily.

While the second option is to use KM Papuyu which departs from the Port of Ulee Lheue, Banda Aceh. Each of these options has its own sensation.

#Pulo Aceh yang berada di wilayah terluar kabupaten Aceh Besar memiliki jumlah pulau.Tapi hanya dua pulau berpenghuni yaitu Pulo Breuh dan Pulo Nasi.Untuk menuju ke dua pulau juga harus diambil dari lokasi yang terpisah.

Jika berangkat dari Banda Aceh, untuk perpang ke Pulo Nasi ada dua pilihan alternatif.Yang pertama adalah dengan menggunakan kapal nelayan yang biasanya mengangkut orang dan berbagai kebutuhan masyarakat disana.Untuk pilihan ini, kapal bersandar di dekat jembatan menuju Pelabuhan Ulee Lheue dan mengelisik penumpang setiap hari

Sedang pilihan kedua adalah menggunakan KM Papuyu yang berangkat dari Pelabuhan Ulee Lheue, Banda Aceh.Masing-masing pilihan ini memiliki sensasi tersendiri.

Poto : Jangan lupa berfoto (mwr)
Fotografer : Don't forget to take pictures (mwr)

While travelers who want to cross to Pulo Breuh, can ride a fishing boat near TPI Lampulo, Banda Aceh. There, there are places and special ships that pass every day to Breuh Island.

"This festival is also a medium to promote areas that are still difficult to reach from the limited facilities and infrastructure supporting tourism and support the acceleration of Pulo Aceh as a marine tourism destination with various advantages and uniqueness of nature and culture.

#Sementara hal yang ingin menuju ke Pulo Breuh, bisa naik kapal nelayan yang berada di dekat TPI Lampulo, Banda Aceh.Di sana, ada tempat dan kapal khusus yang setiap hari lewat ke Pulau Breuh.

"Festival ini juga merupakan media untuk promosi daerah yang masih sulit dicapai dari sarana dan prasarana pendukung dan percepatan Pulo Aceh sebagai destinasi wisata bahari dengan berbagai keunikan alam dan budaya..!! 🌱

Lambang Aceh merdeka imageThe symbol of Aceh Merdeka

Salam sejahtera @mawardy imageBest wishes @mawardy


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