Emas Aceh dalam Konflik Regulasi

imageMendengar kata emas seorang pemuda akan akan membayangkan seorang gadis untuk dinikahi. jadi emas merupakan kunci sukses seorang pemuda untuk melepas masa lajang. wajar saja emas itu menjadi rebutan banyak pihak.

Aceh memiliki cadangan emas cukup besar, bahkan digadang-gadang melebihi papua. sehingga tidak heran kita mendapati banyak tambang ilegal yang dikelola masyrakat. tambang tradisional tersebut mengakibatkan jatuh korban jiwa. kehadiran perusaan tambang juga dinilai tidak berdampak untuk masyarakat. apalagi tenaga kerjanya harus didatangkan dari luar.

Pemerintah selaku pemegang kunci terkait regulator tambang emas, harus benar-benar memikirkan dampak sosial yang ditimbulkan, termasuk bencana akan muncul kedepan. banyak pihak yang mesyesalkan terkait pemberian inzin tambang yang ditolak masyarat.

Penolakan tersebut bukan karena berkurang jatah pemuda untuk melepaskan masa lajang. namun semata-semata merugikan daerah. kita berharap gubernur aceh mencari solusi agar tidak ada pihak yang dirugikan terkait izin tambang tersebut. protes dari mahasiswa dan masyarakat harus disikapi secara arif dan bijaksana sehingga tidak jatuh korban jiwa.

Inglish Version

Hearing the golden word a young man would imagine a girl to marry. becoming gold is the key to the success of a young man to let go of single life. naturally, the gold became a struggle for many parties.

Aceh has a large enough gold reserves, and is even predicted to exceed Papua. so it's no wonder we find that many illegal mines are managed by the community. the traditional mine resulted in casualties. the presence of mining companies is also considered not to have an impact on the community. moreover the workforce must be brought in from outside.

The government, as the key holder of the gold mine regulator, must really think about the social impacts that arise, including disasters, that will come forward. many parties regretted the provision of mining inzin which was rejected by the public. the refusal was not because of the reduced quota of young people to release their single years. but solely harms the area.

We hope that the governor of Aceh will find a solution so that no party is harmed regarding the mining permit. protests from students and the community must be addressed wisely and wisely so that they do not fall victim to life.

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