si jantan hitam - the black male #12

Terlahir seorang diri kedunia dengan tangisan keras, serta wajah memerah, masih membuatmu takut?

Mungkin kau telah lupa bahwa kau seorang pemenang dengan hadirnya dirimu kedunia banyak yang telah engkau kalahkan.

Tetesan airmata, bercucuran darah kau keluarkan. Semua itu tidak sia-sia dan memiliki makna yang terkandung.

Hujan badai, panas gersang telah engkau lalui dalam hidup tanpa ada keragu-raguan. Kau hitam, putih engkau tantang. Dan kau putih, hitam engkau lawan.

Terbit dalam gelap, terbang dalam terang. Banyak angka telah engkau hitung dan terus engkau dikte kehidupanmu.

Teriak lantamlah bahwa kau mampu menggenggam dunia.

Kau akan hidup sebentar, Kau harus bersejarah.

Kau harus menggengam ubah, kau harus berjuang sampai habis darah.

Bahkan kau mati dikenang abad.

Kau pejuang, kaulah penantang, dan kaulah pemenang.



Being born alone in the world with a cry of hard, and a red face, still scares you?
Perhaps you have forgotten that you are a winner by the presence of yourself into the many worlds that you have defeated.
Droplets of tears, bloodstained you out. All that is not in vain and has a meaning contained.
The storm rain, the arid heat you have gone through life without any hesitation. You are black, white you challenge. And you're white, you're black opponent.
Rising in the dark, flying in the light. Many numbers have you counted and kept you dictating your life.
Shout that you are capable of grasping the world.
You will live for a while, you must be historic.
You have to grasp change, you have to fight till blood is gone.
In fact you died the memory of the century.
You're a fighter, you're a challenger, and you're a winner.
Because you're "THE BLACK MALE"

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