Kehidupan Bersimbah Darah

Munandir yang tercatat sebagai warga Desa Meunasah Leubok, Kecamatan Pante Bidari, Kabupaten Aceh Timur.Di temukan tewas bersimbah darah dan luka bacok di bagian kepala dan wajah.

Munandir who is registered as a resident of Meunasah Leubok Village, Pante Bidari Sub-District, East Aceh District.Found dead with blood and wounded cuts in the head and face.

WhatsApp Image 2018-02-06 at 12.24.56 PM(1).jpg

Kasus pembacokan berujung maut terjadi di Desa Meunasah Leubok, Kecamatan Pante Bidari, Kabupaten Aceh Timur pada Selasa 6 februari 20182018), sekitar pukul 10.00 WIB.

The case of deadly culprit occurred in Meunasah Leubok Village, Pante Bidari Sub-district, East Aceh Regency on Tuesday, February 6, 20182018), at around 10:00 am.

pelaku langsung diringkus warga dan aparat kepolisian dari Polsek Pante Bidari dengan mengikat kedua tangannya.Pelaku langsung diamankan ke Polsek Pante Bidari dan selanjutnya dibawa ke Mapolres Aceh Timur

the perpetrator was immediately arrested by the residents and police officers from Pante Bidari Police Station by binding his hands.The perpetrator was immediately secured to Pante Bidari Police Station and then taken to Mapolres Aceh Timur





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