interesting and quality movies in 2018 is the faithful watch

Almost every month, released a variety of interesting and quality films that become treats for the community. If this March approximately 15 films of Indonesian children managed to adorn the screen of the cinema, then next month you have to get ready also presented a movie that is not less interesting.

  1. Partikelir, 2. Bluebell : What is Beyond Love, 3. Arini, 4. Jelita Sejuba: Mencintai Kesatria Negara, 5. Reuni Z, 6. The Perfect Husband, 7. Halo Makassar, 8. Terbang: Menembus Langit, 9. The Secret: Suster Ngesot Urban Legend, 10. Kembang Kantil,

Counting about 10 films with romantic genre, comedy to horror will start airing April next. I can not wait to spend a weekend at the cinema.


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