Conjuring a Classic Car

Bandaging the ugly face of the classical era to be beautiful although the production of abat ago but historically priceless.

13. Mpbil siap digunakan.jpg
Car Condition Now

The process of painting cars a century ago ranging from the process of peeling paint until the duration of the painting takes 3 months, as for the process is as follows:

The process of peeling Cat Old
1. Proses mengupas Cat Lama.jpg

Basic Cat or Phoksi Process
2. Proses Cat Dasar atau Poksi.jpg

Dumpul Process
3. Proses Dumpul.jpg

Smooth Process After Poksi
4.  Proses Menghaluskan Setelah Poksi.jpg

The process dries and refines the surface after it is painted base
5. Prose mengeringkan dan memghaluskan permukaan setelah dicat dasar.jpg

First Layer Paint Process
6. Proses Cat Lapisan Pertama.jpg

Second Layer Paint Process
7. Proses Cat Lapisan dua.jpg

Third Layer Paint Process
7. Proses Cat Lapisan dua.jpg

Clear process and car glazer
9. Proses Clir dan lapisan pengkilat mobil.jpg

Finishing process
10. Proses Pinising.jpg

Painting completed 100% car
11. Selesai semua prose pengecetan.jpg


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