a dazzling barn dance

Joged Bumbung is a very popular social dance in Bali, this dance has a rather free, nimble and dynamic motion, taken from Legong and Kekebyaran and performed improvisatively.


Usually staged in the season after harvest, holiday, and other important days. This joged dance is a paired dance, male and female by inviting audience participation. This dance also requires the agility of gestures and eyes of the dancers, with occasional dancers swaying dangdut style.

This dance is accompanied by a gamelan Tingklik bamboo aligned Slendro called Grantang or Gamelan Gegrantangan. This dance appeared in 1946 in North Bali and now Joged Bumbung can be found almost in all villages and is the most popular type of joged dance in Bali.

All Joged dance (except Joged Pingitan wearing the Calonarang play), there is always a paibing part-its mother is dancing with outlook. Beginning with joged dancers select the male audience who are invited to dance together on stage.

For Instrument, Bumbung Dance uses gamelan. This gamelan includes barungan madya, a gamelan barungan which is used to accompany dance Joged Bumbung, a Balinese dance performed by a young female dancer who in the dance invites the audience to dance together (ngibing).


Gamelan Joged Bumbung is often also called Gegrelan gamelan, because the main instrument consists of bamboo tingklik shaped gerantang (a kind of tube). The gamelan is aligned with five-tone slendro (just like the wayang gender) and to play the belligerent instrument wearing two pelvis, the right one playing the ornamentation, while the left plays the principal melody.

In some places Joged Bumbung gamelan is also equipped with some Kepyak (a pair of broken bamboo tubes) and also reyong. About the repertoire Gamelan Joged Bumbung taken from folk songs, Gong Kebyar tabuh, Pop and Gegandrangan songs (accompaniment dance together between dancers and pengibing).


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