Mayor of Flower Planting

By: rayiskandar72

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Siang wanted to glance at the activities of Mayor Langsa Usman Abdullah, SE. Where on the sidelines of office work, but still had time to cultivate flowers in the garden bamboo spikes. The trick is still fully clothed the number one person in langsa is not hesitate to dig the ground. With a clean finger it was not awkward with the ground while planting flowers. Sepontan action This mayor invites the attention of residents who are around in the garden of bamboo spikes. Even so, for citizens langsa itself is not surprised with the action of its leader. No matter the heat, the rain, the day and night buys are always at the forefront of setting an example for its citizens.
This afternoon saw Mayor Usman Abdullah into a pointy bamboo garden suddenly. Because the weather was quite hot afternoon, but the Mayor got out of his car straight into the park. After planting some flowers, and forget to give direction to the Park Mandator, Agus Setiawan, related to the development plan of bamboo garden ruming for more beautiful again. In the near future immediately add the type of flowers there to look more beautiful.

Siang ingin melirik aktifitas Walikota Langsa Usman Abdullah,SE. Dimana disela-sela tugas kantor, namun masih sempat-sempatnya menanam bunga di taman bambu runcing. Walaupun masih berpakaian lengkap orang nomor satu di langsa tersebut tidak sungkan menggais tanah.
Dengan jari yang bersih itu terasa tak canggung dengan tanah sambil menanam bunga. Aksi sepontan Walikota tersebut memgundang perhatian warga yang berada sekitar di taman bambu runcing.
Pun demikian, bagi warga kota langsa sendiri tidak heran lagi dengan aksi pemimpinnya itu. Tak peduli panas, hujan, siang dan malam beliu selalu tampil di garda terdepan memberi contoh bagi warganya.
Tadi siang kehadiran Walikota Usman Abdullah ke taman bambu runcing secara mendadak membuat petugas taman yang sedang berada disana sedikit terkejut. Karena cuaca siang tadi lumayan terik, tapi Walikota turun dari mobilnya langsung menuju taman. Setalah menanam beberapa bunga, dan lupa memberi arahan kepada Mandor Taman, Agus Setiawan, terkait rencana pengembangan taman bambu rumcing agar lebih indah lagi. Dalam waktu dekat segera menambah jenis bunga disana agar terlihat lebih indah.

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