Hai sahabat steemit semua, apa kabar semua...
Malam ini saya kedatngan tamu yg tak di undang tapi tidak mau pulang atau bisa jadi tak tau jalan pulang....

Hi friend steemit all, how are you all ...
Tonight I am an invalid guest but do not want to go home or can not know the way home ....

Malam ini saya kedatangan tamu yg tak di undang, tamu tak di undang ini hadir pukul 11.35 wib saat saya sedang berjualan di tempat saya biasa kerja yaitu di konter salta ponsel tepatnya di depan kantor pajak kota langsa...

Tonight I have invited guests, invited guests are present at 11:35 pm when I was selling at my place of work that is at the counter salta phone precisely in front of the city tax office langsa ...

Saat saya duduk di tempat saya kerja bersama teman saya satu kampus yaitu @M.ODY dan kami sedang asyik bermain hanphone dengan membuka berbagai aplikasi seperti instagram, fecbook, youtube dan whatshaps...

When I sit where I work with my friend one campus that is @ M.ODY and we are engrossed playing hanphone by opening various applications such as instagram, fecbook, youtube and whatshaps ...

Saya dan m.ody teman saya sedang melihat tingkah aneh dan lucu di instagram dan tertawa sambil menonton yg di posting di instagram, tiba-tiba datang seekor burung kecil dan lucu datang ke konter saya dan masuk tanpa izin dia langsung masuk ke dalam konter, saya dan teman saya terheran dengan kehadiran seekor burung datang ke konter sendirian di tengah malam, saya heran kenapa tengah malam begini ada seekor burung datang tiba-tiba...

Me and my friend m.ody was looking at the weird and funny behavior on instagram and laughing while watching the post in instagram, suddenly came a small and funny bird came to my counter and entered without permission he went straight into the counter, i and my friend was amazed by the presence of a bird coming to the counter alone in the middle of the night, I wonder why in the middle of the night there is such a bird coming suddenly ...

Sampai saya tidur burung tersebut masih di dalam konter saya dan bermalam di konter salta ponsel...

Until I sleep the bird is still inside my counter and staying overnight at the cell phone salt counter ...

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