Past and present

History is important, then the government in power when he makes a disgrace, he will try to cover it, bend it, or seek scapegoat of others outside the government as a defendant. And in history, the government wrote that he was clean. So the government issued an official version of its history. If there are parties who write other history, his books will not circulate long, because it will be forbidden to circulate, then burned.
After the government regime collapsed, other historical books emerged, attempting to straighten the bent history. In the photo appears such a book, which I am sure will be forbidden if the invading government is still in power, there are also various history books written by experts and groups of historians of Interest to compare it. It is said that the bending of history has taken place from the first -----
Historia docet - it gives history lessons. It should be, then it matters. But unfortunately many nations repeat the mistakes of the past, including our nation. Then there is this upper adage: from history, we learn that we have learned nothing from history. Not his history is wrong, we are wrong.
You also have history and are shaping history, do not repeat mistakes, cover, bend, or seek scapegoats. So you can learn from history. I too

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