UKK Smkn 4 Lhokseumawe

Monday, April 9, 2018, our school started to organize Deuteronomy Competence expertise (UKK). UKK is conducted to measure students' competence on the subject matter that teachers have given to learners. From the UKK is expected teachers of the field of study get the best value from the students. Will be seen later, where students are superior or intelligent and which students are weak competence.

Before the implementation of the UKK, the headmaster of the school first gives directions to the students who want to follow the UKK. Teachers are asked to supervise the students carefully and strive to make the implementation of the UKK run in accordance with the rules that have been prepared by the committee.

During the briefing, the school leader reminded us that the students really took the exam with great care and the students did not rush into the test because the time given by the UKK committee was long (120 minutes). Students are expected to make the most of the long time so that their SME scores are high. If their UKK score is high. With the record, the daily value and student's everyday attitude is good.


UKK is one form of authentic assessment that results can be used as an evaluation for teachers in the field of study concerned. That is, if the value of SME students high, then the teacher has managed to transfer his knowledge well. Therefore, the teachers of the field of study are required to make the problems in accordance with the Competency Standards (SK) and Basic Competence (KD) that must be mastered by students. No origin makes a problem that result in confusing students in answering questions

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