people who became inspirational figures in the movie story (IND&ENG) Part 1

Tokoh sejarah yang menginspirasi karakter film populer -
Historical character who inspires popular movie characters

1. Palle Huld

Palle Huld adalah seorang aktor dan penulis asal Denmark. Tokoh sejarah ini menjadi inspirasi karakter Tintin dalam komik dan serial kartun “The Adventures of Tintin”. Sesuai kisah Tintin yang berkisah seputar keliling dunia, Palle Huld dulunya memang pernah berkeliling dunia dalam waktu 44 hari saja.

Palle Huld is a Danish actor and writer. This historical figure became the inspiration of Tintin's character in comic and cartoon series "The Adventures of Tintin". As per Tintin's story that revolves around the world, Palle Huld had once traveled the world in 44 days.

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