4 Candle


There are 4 candles that are burning, where little by little the candle runs out because it melts. The atmosphere was so quiet and silent that the four candles were heard:

Candle 1: I am Peaceful. But man can not keep me, then I better kill myself !.

So little by little the first candle goes out.

Candle 2: I am Faith. Honey I'm useless. Humans do not want to know me, that's why I'm no good staying burning.

As soon as they finished talking, the wind blew out the second candle.

With a sad turn The third candle that speaks...

Candle 3: I am Love. I can not afford to stay alive anymore. Man no longer looks at me and thinks I'm useful. They hate each other, even hate those who love him, hate his family, hate his friends. Without waiting for a long time, then die the third candle.

Unexpectedly ...
A little boy at that moment came into the room, and saw the three candles had been extinguished. For fear of the darkness, he said:
Little boy: Hey ... What happened? You must stay alive, I fear the darkness!
Then the boy was sobbing.

Then with the fourth candle tear said ...
Candle 4: Do not be afraid, Do not cry. As long as I'm still there and burning, we can always light the other three candles. Because "I am HOPE".

With shining eyes, the boy took the Candle of Hope, then restarted the other three Candles that had been extinguished.

What never dies is the "HOPE" that is in our hearts ... And each of us may be a tool, like the child, who under any circumstances be able to revive Faith, Peace, Love with his HOPE !. 🙏🙏😇

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