Fish Cultivation Mas

Precisely in Southeast Aceh District. Aceh Province.

The so-called city of Cane City is almost flat with gold fish ponds, besides fresh fish, it attracts buyers and visitors to the Southeast Aceh Regency.

Various Tribes and Religions, the people there are friendly and respectful and respectful.

Budidaya Ternak Ikan Mas

Tepatnya di Kabupaten Aceh Tenggara. Provinsi Aceh.

Masyarakat yang di sebut daerah Kota Cane tersebut hampir rata memiliki kolam ikan Emas, selain segar Ikan nya besar-besar membuat tertarik para pembeli dan pengunjung ke Kabupaten Aceh Tenggara tersebut.

Beragam Suku dan Agama, warga masyarakat disana ramah dan saling menghargai dan menghormati.

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