Jefri Gaming– Skill and Hero Harley Build Item the Games Mobile legends(ENG-IND) #25


Hallo friends steemian how are you today, Come again with me @jefrim503 I will discuss about online games and Android. In this post I will explain a little hero in mobile legends, I explain a little bit about hero Harley.

Harley Mobile Legend's Story:

Live a famous young wizard - Herley in the lion academy of magical cIty. He is blessed with Magical Goddess and as a star of the academy, he can learn quickly and master many Spell Magic. Children need adventure when Harley and his friends roam the forest in the middle of the night, they hear evil plans from an organization called Dark Wizards. These brave youths decided to stop them! First, they need to find the secret hiding place of the Dark Wizards and report it to the principal. But during the investigation, he inadvertently activated the space portal and teleported to the other side of Land of Dawn - Scholar City. With the help of master - Rooney, the brave boys and his friends Lolita, Bruno, Alpha and Saber return to the magical city to destroy the core of Demorte, the boss of the Dark Wizards. To improve his battle technique, Harley embarked on his adventure in the Land of Dawn.

Attributes owned by Harley:


  • Movement Speed: 240
  • Physical Attack: 114
  • Magic Power: 0
  • Armor: 19
  • Magic Resistance: 10
  • HP: 2501
  • Where: 490
  • Attack speed: 0.848
  • HP Regen: 36
  • Where Regen: 18
  • Basic Attack Crit Rate: 0
  • Ability crit rate: 0

In the legend mobile game Harley has its own trick capabilities and tips as follows:

Harley Mobile Legend Skill:

a. Magic Master: Passive

As a magician, his basic attack gives 60 (+ 50% total physical ATK) (+ 60% total magic power) magic damage.

b. Poker Trick: Cooldown: 7.0 Mana Cost: 90

Fires 3 sets of cards, gives 150 magic damage to the first hit (damage decreases if the same target is hit 3 or more) and increases the attack speed by 5% on every blow, up to 8 times , for 3 seconds.

c. Space Escape: Cooldown immediately, leave the magic hat in place and then pops up in front, boost up the 30% boost speed for 2 seconds; use this skill again in 4 seconds to get back to the hat.

d. Deadly Magic: Cooldown: 30.0 Mana Cost: 120

Shoot the opponent and remove the fire ring (can be blocked by another hero), give 200 magic damage (+ 60% total magic power) and slow down the opponent for 1.5 seconds. Then make a big fire ring around your opponent for 4 seconds when hit. Harley can inflict damage by hitting his fire skill ring. After that, will give magical damage of 100 (+ 30% total magic power) and 40% of the damage received target in that period.

Items used in Harley:

1. Enchanted Talisman: +50 magic power + 250HP + 20% cooldown reduction.

passive unique-where spring: regen 10% total of max where every 10 seconds.

2. Arcane boots: +15 magical PEN.

Uniqueness: + 40 movement SPD.

3. Lightning Truncheon: +75 magic Power + 30 Mana regen

Unique Passive-resonate: every 6 seconds, the chance of your magical ability will increase, maximum 3 enemies will be injured as much as 150% magic power damage.

4. Concentrated Energy: +70 Magic power + 700 HP

Uniqueness: + 30% Unique Passive Vamp-Pass Recharge: Regen 10% of HP after killing hero.

5. Devil tears: +65 Magic Power

Uniqueness: + 40% magical PEN unique passive-spellbreaker: when HP is higher than 70%, unique effects bonus increases 30%.

6. Blood Wings: +150 Magic Power +150 HP

Unique Passive-nirvana: add 2 HP for every 1 magic power in add.


If you like this post please follow @jefrim503 wait for the rest.

Best wishes for a steemian friend ...?


Hallo teman-teman steemian apa kabar hari ini, Datang lagi dengan saya @jefrim503 saya akan membahas tentang game online dan Android.Di postingan kali ini saya akan menjelaskan sedikit hero di dalam mobile legends,langsung saya jelaskan sedikit tentang hero Harley.

Kisah Harley Mobile legend's:

Hidup seorang penyihir muda yang terkenal - Herley di lion academy of magical cIty. Dia dikaruniai oleh Magical Goddess dan sebagai bintang dari akademi, dia bisa belajar dengan cepat dan menguasai banyak Spell Magic. Anak-anak butuh petualangan saat Harley dan teman-temanya menjelajahi hutan di tengah malam, mereka mendengar rencana jahat dari organisasi yang disebut Dark Wizards. Para pemuda pemberani ini memutuskan untuk menghentikan mereka! Pertama,  mereka perlu menemukan tempat persembunyian rahasia Dark Wizards dan melaporkannya ke kepala sekolah. Namun selama penyelidikan, ia secara tidak sengaja mengaktifkan portal ruang dan teleport ke sisi lain Land of Dawn - Scholar City. Dengan bantuan master - Rooney, anak laki-laki pemberani dan kawannya Lolita, Bruno, Alpha dan Saber kembali ke kota ajaib untuk menghancurkan inti dari Demorte, bos dari Dark Wizards. Untuk meningkatkan teknik pertarungannya, Harley memulai petualangannya di Land of Dawn.

Atribut yang dimiliki oleh Harley:


  • Movement Speed: 240
  • Physical Attack: 114
  • Magic Power: 0
  • Armor: 19
  • Magic Resistance: 10
  • HP: 2501
  • Where: 490
  • Attack speed: 0.848
  • HP Regen: 36
  • Where Regen: 18
  • Basic Attack Crit Rate: 0
  • Ability crit rate: 0

Dalam game mobile legend Harley memiliki kemampuan trik sendiri dan tips sebagai berikut:

Skill Harley Mobile Legend:

a. Magic Master: Pasif

Sebagai ahli sulap, basic attack-nya memberikan 60(+50%total physical ATK)(+60%total magic power) magic damage.

b. Poker Trick: Cooldown: 7.0 Mana Cost: 90

Menembakkan 3 set kartu, memberikan 150(+20%total magic power) magic damage ke lawan yang pertama kali terpukul (damage berkurang jika target yang sama terpukul sebanyak 3 atau lebih) dan meningkatkan attack speed sebesar 5% pada setiap pukulan, hingga 8 kali, selama 3 detik.

c. Space Escape: Cooldown segera, meninggalkan magic hat di tempat dan lalu muncul di depan, meningkatkanmovement speed sebanyak 30% selama 2 detik; guna skill ini lagi dalam 4 detik untuk kembali ke hat.

d. Deadly Magic: Cooldown: 30.0 Mana Cost: 120

Membidik lawan dan mengeluarkan cincin api (dapat di-blok oleh hero lain), memberikan 200(+60%total magic power) magical damage dan memperlambat lawan selama 1.5 detik. Kemudian membuat cincin api besar di sekitar lawan selama 4 detik saat kena. Harley dapat memberikan damage dengan memukul cincin api skillnya. Setelah itu, akan memberikan magical damage sebesar 100(+30%total magic power) dan 40% dari damage yang diterima target dalam periode tersebut.

Item yang di gunakan Harley: 

1. Enchanted Talisman:+50 magic power +250HP +20% cooldown reduction.

pasif unik-mana spring:regen 10% total dari max mana setiap 10 detik.

2. Arcane boots:+15 magical PEN.

Keunikan:+40 movement SPD.

3. Lightning Truncheon: +75 magic Power +30 Mana regen

Pasif unik-resonate:setiap 6 detik, kesempatan kemampuan magical anda akan meningkat,maksimum 3 musuh akan terluka sebanyak 150% magic power damage.

4. Concentrated Energy: +70 Magic power +700 HP

Keunikan:+30% Spell Vamp Pasif unik-Recharge:Regen 10% dari HP setelah membunuh hero.

5. Devil tears:+65 Magic Power

keunikan:+40%magical PEN pasif unik-spellbreaker:ketika HP lebih tinggi dari 70%,bonus efek unik meningkat 30%.

6. Blood Wings:+150 Magic Power +150 HP

Pasif unik-nirvana:tambahkan 2 HP untuk setiap 1 magic power yang di tambahkan.

Kalau kalian suka dengan posting ini silahkan follow@jefrim503 tunggu kelanjutannya.

Salam sejahtera buat kawan steemian ...? 

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