Jefri Gaming– Skill and Hero Clint Build Item the Games Mobile legends(ENG-IND) #19


Hallo friends steemian how are you today, Come again with me @jefrim503 I will discuss about online games and Android. In this post I will explain a little hero in mobile legends, I explain a little bit about hero Clint.

Clint Mobile Legend's Story:

No one knows where he came from or why he fought, but everyone born in Wastelands knows that he is the only enforcer in the area. Even the most daring thieves dare not challenge Clint. With quick reflexes and unmatched accuracy, a bullet will be embedded in the forehead of his opponent before they could blink. He just pulls his gun for what he believes is just the cause, but when he does, hardly any criminals can get away from his right barrels.

Attributes owned by Clint:


  • Movement Speed: 240
  • Physical Attack: 115
  • Magic Power: 0
  • Armor: 20
  • Magic Resistance: 10
  • HP: 2530
  • Where: 450
  • Attack speed: 0.842
  • HP Regen: 36
  • Where Regen: 15
  • Basic Attack Crit Rate: 0
  • Ability crit rate: 0

In the legend mobile game Clint has its own trick capabilities and tips as follows:

Clint Mobile Legend Skill:

a. Quick Draw: Passive

After releasing the skill, the basic attack will further penetrate the target along a straight line, producing 120% of the basic attack as damage.

b. Bilnd Smoke: Cooldown: 10.0 Mana Cost: 80

Projecting smoke, generating 150 (+ 50% total physical ATK) points from physical damage to enemies in the area. Basic attack ratio for enemy hero in smoke area will hit 25%, movement speed will decrease 60%.

c. Heel Rope: Cooldown: 12.0 Mana Cost: 65

Shoot the trap forward, producing 140 (+ 30% total physical ATK) (+ 30% total magic power) points from physical damage to the first enemy touched and slow down the enemy. While the hero will step back for a certain distance.

d. Howitzer: Cooldown: -- Mana Cost: 65

Flings a grenade toward the target, generating 230 (+ 50% total physical ATK) points of physical damage when hit and exploded. Can be charged up to 5 grenades.

Items used in Clint:

1. Raptor Machete: +30 Physical Attack + 15% Physical PEN

Uniqueness: + 30% Damage to Uniform Monsters Unique-greed: Get 30% extra exp when jungling. Get back 4% of maximum health and 10% from where after killing moster. Unique Passive-gorgr: Beating the forest moster will increase your physical attack 4. Can be repeated up to 10 times.

2. Swift boots: + 15% Attack speed

uniqueness: + 40 SPD movements.

3. Demon Hunter Sword: +35 physical Attack + 25% Attack Speed.

Unique Passive-devour: The basic attack will handle 10% of the current target HP as additional physical damage (up to 60 against the moster). Unique passive-devour: each basic attack provides 4% health stealing for 4 seconds, up to 3 times.

4. Berserker's Fury: +65 physical Attack + 25% crit.Chance

Uniqueness: + 40% crit. Unique passive doom-doom: crit strike will increase 5% physical attack for 2 seconds.

5. Malefic Roar: +60 physical attacks

Uniqueness: + 40% physical PEN unique passive-armor buster: basic attack will feel 20% defensive from dampen armor suspension

6. Blade Of Despair: +170 Physical Attack + 10% Attack Speed

Unique Passive-Despair: Includes an additional 10% of enemy damage in any abnormal attacks (stunned, tapped, modified, stopped)

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Best wishes for a steemian friend ...?


Hallo teman-teman steemian apa kabar hari ini, Datang lagi dengan saya @jefrim503 saya akan membahas tentang game online dan Android.Di postingan kali ini saya akan menjelaskan sedikit hero di dalam mobile legends,langsung saya jelaskan sedikit tentang hero Clint.

Kisah Clint Mobile legend's:

Tidak ada yang tahu dari mana asalnya atau mengapa dia bertarung, tapi setiap orang yang lahir di Wastelands tahu bahwa dia adalah satu-satunya penegak ke adilan di daerahtersebut. Bahkan pencuri yang paling berani pun tidak berani menantang Clint. Dengan reflek yang cepat dan akurasi yang tak tertandingi, sebuah peluru akan tertanam di dahi lawan-nya sebelum mereka sempat berkedip. Dia hanya menarik senjatanya untuk apa yang dia yakini hanyalah penyebabnya, namun saat dia melakukannya, hampir tidak ada penjahat yang bisa lolos dari tong-tongnya yang benar.

Atribut yang dimiliki oleh Clint:


  • Movement Speed: 240
  • Physical Attack: 115
  • Magic Power: 0
  • Armor: 20
  • Magic Resistance: 10
  • HP: 2530
  • Where: 450
  • Attack speed: 0.842
  • HP Regen: 36
  • Where Regen: 15
  • Basic Attack Crit Rate: 0
  • Ability crit rate: 0

Dalam game mobile legend Clint memiliki kemampuan trik sendiri dan tips sebagai berikut:

Skill Clint Mobile Legend:

a. Quick Draw: Pasif

Setelah melepaskan skill, basic attack selanjutnya akan menembus sasaran sepanjang garis lurus, menghasilkan 120% dari basic attack sebagai damage.

b. Bilnd Smoke: Cooldown : 10.0 Mana Cost: 80

Memproyeksikan asap, menghasilkan 150(+50%total physical ATK) poin dari physical damage ke musuh di daerah tersebut. Rasio basic attack untuk hero musuh di daerah asap akan menuru 25%, movement speed akan menurun 60%.

c. Heel Rope: Cooldown:12.0 Mana Cost: 65

Menembak perangkap ke depan, menghasilkan 140(+30%total physical ATK)(+30%total magic power) poin dari physical damage ke musuh pertama yang tersentuh dan memperlambat musuh. Sementara hero akan melangkah mundur untuk jarak tertentu.

d. Howitzer: Cooldown:-- Mana Cost: 65

Melontarkan granat menuju target, menghasilkan 230(+50%total physical ATK) poin dari physical damage ketika kena dan meledak. Dapat diisi sampai 5 granat.

Item yang di gunakan Clint:

1. Raptor Machete: +30 Physical Attack +15% Physical PEN

Keunikan:+30% Damage to Monsters pasif unik-greed:Mendapatkan tambahan 30% exp ketika jungling.Mendapatkan kembali 4%dari maximum health dan 10% dari mana setelah membunuh moster. Pasif unik-gorgr:Mengalahkan moster hutan akan meningkatkan physical attack anda 4. Dapatdi ulang sampai 10 kali.

2. Swift boots: + 15% kecepatan Attack

keunikan: +40 gerakan SPD.

3. Demon Hunter Sword: +35 physical Attack +25%Attack Speed.

Pasif unik-devour:Serangan dasar akan menangani 10% dari HP target saat ini sebagai kerusakan fisik tambahan (hingga 60 melawan moster).Pasif unik-devour:setiap basic attack memberikan 4% health stealing selama4 detik,hingga 3 kali.

4. Berserker's Fury: +65 fisik Attack + 25% crit.Chance

Keunikan: + 40% crit.Kerusakan pasif unik-kiamat : crit strike akan meningkatklan serangan fisik 5% selama 2 detik.

5. Malefic Roar: +60 serangan fisik

Keunikan: + 40% fisik PEN pasif unik-armor buster: serangan dasar akan terasa 20% pertahanan dari peredam lapis baja denfensif

6. Blade Of Despair: +170 Physical Attack +10% Attack Speed

Pasif Unik-Despair:Menimpakan tambahan 10%kerusakan musuh di setiap serangan yang tidak normal (tertegun,mengetuk udara,diubah,dihentikan)

Kalau kalian suka dengan posting ini silahkan follow@jefrim503 tunggu kelanjutannya.

Salam sejahtera buat kawan steemian ...?

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