kidnapping and exploitation of children

In recent years, kidnappings of children are increasingly prevalent. Even in the last 2 years, child abduction cases increased 2-fold. Many parents do not know about this one kidnapping tactics. The perpetrator is very brave, although you her parents are on the side.

Recently, a netizen has shared the incident with him to the internet to encourage other parents to be careful when meeting strangers who seem "too friendly". Here's the story:


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Just yesterday I brought my son home to my mother's house. We take the train. Beside me sitting a mom, she is about 60 years old. Looks like he's bringing a grandson, he's about 7-8 years old.

During the trip, this mother chatted with me the same. Not only that, he also reminds me that in the train many people, must pay attention luggage. His grandson also sometimes play with my son.

My daughter just wanted to be one year old. The mother was wondering what age my son, when birth, where birth, his weight, bla bla bla, he continues to also stories about his grandson.


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I thought he was just talking to ordinary chatting, his name was the mothers, sitting on the train, coincidentally bringing children, yah chatting.

He also asked my child to drink what milk, how often, well I answer wrote.

But somehow the longer the question gets weird ... the deeper and more detailed. The time he asked my son was born what time? I think this is not good for others to know well, so I said I forgot.

Finally, he asked my son what his name was. Well I love to know the nickname of my child, but he asked COMPLETE NAME!

Here I am getting more and more suspicious. Feeling there was something wrong, I also told you a fake name.

Before getting to the station, I said goodbye to the toilet. The mother even offered me to send the child to her. In my heart I was very suspicious. I wanted to find a seat elsewhere, but it was full, so I had to sit back beside her. It looked as if he was waiting for me in that chair until I returned.

Down at the station, the mother helped me with a suitcase without me. We walk together until the outside door of the station. He asked me if I was picked up, i said no (when there is).

Suddenly, the mother wants to carry my child. She said thank you for taking care of her "grandchild".

I was instantly shocked. I said, "Mommy, what's this about !?"

The boy who joined beside him too, "The bad guy! Give my brother back!"

I immediately shocked the little boy that way. A lot of people liatin me, kirain I kidnap child. Suddenly there is one girl coming, call my son's name (the fake name I love to know) and say, "where are you looking for! Let us go home!"

He insisted on carrying my son. I immediately took a taxi that is in front of the gate, but scary, this woman went up. He pulled my son. I hug my son tight. My child was crying.


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In the midst of such chaos, the driver also does not dare to walk. I can just go down again and face the woman. Hearing my child's cries, everyone was pouring out, kirain I kidnapped child.

The little boy said, "Mom, my sister is back soon! We want to go home!"

I said, "What the fuck are you !? This is my child!"

My hands and feet are already trembling. My heart was dag dig dug, scared my son was taken with them. After all, two against one.

Suddenly, someone called out. Pas I see, it turns out that father is the same mother! They came to pick me up!

"What are these people doing!", Asked the father.

"It's a pack, they're going to kidnap children, say this is their son!"

"This is my son really!", The woman defended. I know the date of birth, blood type, his name and others, all he mentioned one on one.

I thought, Jeez .... That's what information about my child I love telling the moms on the train. I think it's just a chat, I do not think it could be like this! Good thing I love to know my son's fake name.

"If so, what is my child's name?", I shouted.

"Nadin!", They replied.

"No! My daughter's name is Nadin's a fake name!", I shouted.

Everyone there, including the two women, could only be silent.

I immediately sprayed, "You guys still have a conscience not !? It is possible to invite a small child to join the lie as you kidnap child's child! Sin knows not !? SIN!"

They immediately dare not speak a word. I took a ride with my mom and dad and left.

Sitting in the car, my body is still shaking. My tears began to burst. I hug my daughter tightly. If only my mom and dad did not come on time. I might get my real boy captured by the two guys.

When we got home, it was rather calm, we immediately reported to the police. It turns out the police also said that these days kid kidnappings often occur. Maybe this is one of the ways they use, targeting young mothers who take children, pretending to be close and looking for opportunities to take children when the mother is not paying attention. Fortunately from the beginning I never carelessly let go of both eyes of my daughter.

A recent hearing has also been the incident of kidnapped children in the market. An unidentified old mother came to a mother who again took the child and said, "It turns out you're here!" Suddenly a man was not known as the young mother came and immediately slapped the young mother and pushed her.

"Do you know the sick child is still taken out!", Snapped the man.

The old mother was immediately carrying her baby in the urge and grumble, "The child is already sick gini still taken out as well. Where is this kind of mother ?"

The old lady took the boy away first, while the man was still there, pissed off by the uninformed mother and helpless to face such a man alone.

Finally, the man got on the motorcycle and left. The mother can only cry confused to say her son was kidnapped, but no one cares. The people kirain it just a family matter, the couple again fight. Until a while later found out there was kidnapped child. The boy is also about 10 months old.

If heard, I do not think that this will actually happen to me. As parents, we should not be careless. If you meet a stranger who suddenly nyapa, quasi familiar pretentious, wondering things that sound strange or ask to carry a kid for a while, PLEASE DO NOT! We will never know what people mean behind, for that to anticipate and maintain distance is the only thing we can do.

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