jangan kata cinta sejati, sebelum baca cerita ini

Hi buddy ...

is already love the result of your true love ??

Maybe it has become an understandable thing for us, without love, life will feel empty, all human wants to love and love. In this post I want to tell a little about true love .. The composition of this sentence I hear and I understand from the Islamic story, not copy paste from google and etc, I myself do not know the origin, whether sourced from the hadith or a series of precursor poetry, this story is very real and feasible to publish
Hai sobat...
sudah kah engkau dapatkan cinta sejati mu??
Mungkin sudah menjadi hal yang maklum bagi kita, sendiri tanpa cinta, hidup akan terasa hampa, semua manusia ingin di cintai dan mencintai. Di postingan kali ini Saya ingin mencerita sedikit tentang cinta sejati..
Susunan kalimat ini saya dengar dan saya pahami dari cerita islami, bukan kopy paste dari google dll,
Saya sendiri tidak tau asal usulnya, apakah bersumber dari hadist atau rangkaian syair pendahulu, yang pasti cerita ini sangat bermakna dan pantas untuk di publikasikan.


One day a disciple came to see a teacher want to ask about the meaning of true love.
Student: my teacher! What is true love?
Teacher: go to the flower garden and choose a beautiful flower for you
With respect and obedience he also swooped toward the flower garden, then ... Arriving at the beginning of the park in discover a flower that is so beautiful captivating in the eye, want his taste he picked the flower, but his heart is chaotic, doubt the beauty of the flower , then what happen..?? He obeyed a whisper of heart, perhaps there are still many flowers that are more beautiful than those already found. Time keeps turning, even more interest in the search, the journey wants to get a more beautiful flowers that have been found in vain.In the end he came back to see the teacher, when in front, the teacher asked, have you found a beautiful flower in your eyes, the student replied, I found a very beautiful flower in the eyes, but my heart hesitated about its beauty, I tried to find more beautiful it turns out my effort is useless


Master said, that is true love, the more you seek the more perfect, the more you do not get it
Suatu hari seorang murid menjumpai guru nya ingin bertanya apa makna cinta sejati.
Murid : wahai guru ku, bagai manakah cinta sejati??
Guru : pergilah kamu ke taman bunga dan pilih bunga yang indah di mata mu.
Dengan rasa hormat dan ketaatan dia pun bergegah menuju taman bunga, kemudian...sesampai di awal taman, dia jumpai setangkai bunga yang sangat indah menawan di pandangan mata, ingin sekali rasanya dia memetik, tapi hati nya kacau dan ragu akan keindah bunga tersebut, lalu apa yang terjadi..??
Dia turuti bisikan hati, mungkin di sana masih banya bunga lebih indah dari yang telah di dapati. Waktu terus berputar, taman bunga pun lekas di tempuh, perjalanan ingin mendapat yang lebih indah ternyata sia sia. Akhir nya dia kembali menjumpai sang guru, sesampai di hadapan, guru bertanya, sudahkah engkau dapati bunga indah di mata mu, murid menjawab, saya menjumpai setangkai bunga yang sangat indah di mata, tapi hati ku ragu akan keindahannya, aku berusaha untuk mencari yang lebih indah ternyata usaha ku sia sia. Guru berkata, begitulah cinta sejati, semakin engkau cari yang lebih sempurna, semakin engkau tidak mendapatkan nya..

My best friend all .. hope we understand and understand that perfection only belongs to God alone, take care of what we already have the true.I'm so glad you have read my writing


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