Kisah pengemis

Someday there was a beggar knocking on the door of the house of the Prophet SAW ...

The beggar said: "I beggars want to ask alms from the Messenger of Allah."

The Messenger of Allah said: "O Ayesha give the clothes to the beggar".

Sayyidah Aisha also carries out the command of the Prophet ...

with a very happy heart, the beggar receives his gift, and goes straight to the market and exclaims in the crowds of people in the marketplace:
"Who wants to buy the clothes of the Messenger of Allah?".

So quickly gathered people, and all wanted to buy it.

then there was a rich but blind man who heard the call, then ordered his slave to buy it at whatever price was asked, and he said to his slave:
"If you get it, then you are free".

Finally the slave got it. then handed it over to his blind master.

How glad the blind man was, holding the clothes of the Messenger of Allah, the blind man then prayed and said:
"Ya Rabb with the right of the Prophet and blessing this sacred shirt, return my sight ...".

Masyaa Allah ...
with God's permission, the spontaneous person can look back.

The next day, he went to the Messenger of Allah with great joy and said: "O Messenger of Allah ... my view is back and I return your clothes as a gift from me ...".

before that person told the incident so that the Prophet laughed until his molar teeth look, but usually Rasulullah rarely laugh ...

then the Messenger of Allah said to Sayyidah Aishah: "Take note of the clothes, O Aishah, with His permission and blessing, he has entrusted the poor, healed the blind, liberated the slaves and returned to us."

Masha Allah ...

al-Imam as-Suyuti mentions in one of his books that the reward of shadaqah there are 5 kinds:أن ثواب الصدقة خمسة أنواع: واحدة بعشرة وهي على صحيح الجسم, وواحدة بتسعين وهي على الأعمى والمبتلى, وواحدة بتسعمائة وهي على ذي قرابة محتاج, وواحدة بمائة ألف وهي على الأبوين,وواحدة بتسعمائة ألف وهي على عالم أو فقيه اه(كتاب بغية المسترشدين)

"Indeed the reward of charity there are five categories:

  1. One rewarded ten (1:10) ie giving charity to a healthy person physically.

  2. One reciprocated ninety (1:90) ie charity against the blind, the disabled or the calamity, including orphans and orphans.

  3. One replied nine hundred (1: 900) ie charity to relatives who are in dire need.

  4. One reciprocated one hundred thousand (1: 100,000) that is alms to both parents.

  5. One reply to nine hundred thousand (1: 900.000) ie charity to the pious or jurisprudent.

[Book of Bughyatul Musytarsyidin].

Wallahu'alam bissawab,
may Allah SWT bring us closer today with all the good that is in it and facilitate us to be generous, giving charity with sincere ... aaaminnnn ...

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