Krueng Pase almost overflowed



In one year, Indonesia has two seasons, namely the dry season and the rainy season. maybe in other countries different plus spring and winter. now in Indonesia, especially in Aceh, it's the rainy season. maybe some areas are flooded, as we see this is Krung Pasee which is full because almost a week of rain. according to the story of people around this dam who are hundreds of years old, and this dam is not far from where I live, only 10 minutes have arrived at this place.
the air is very fresh, and surrounded by fields that have been hijacked for rice farming, there is a small island in the middle of a rice field that looks very attractive. rural economic factors from agriculture, rice, oil palm and other young plants,
This is very different from the atmosphere in urban areas with less good pollution, but I personally prefer to live in the village because I can feel the fresh air in the morning. I am more happy with the atmosphere in the countryside than in the city, because in this city the atmosphere is noisy and pollution is also not good. hopefully in our place there will be no flooding.

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